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Discuss whether or not , angular displacement is a vector quantity ?

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Angular displacement is a vector quantity provided andle θ is small because the commutative law of vector addirion for large anle is not valid where as for small angles, the law is valid i.e. θ1+tˆ(2)θ2+θ1, but Δθ1+Δ2=Δ1. The same is explained below.
Consider a book a with front page (F) lying in the plane of paper. It can be rotated about two mutually perpendicular azes 1and2 as shown in Fig. 1 (d) .34(a) (i) Let the book be rotated throught an angle θ1 (=90^(@))anticocikwisedirctionaboutaξs 1.Ittakesthepositionasshownfig.2(d).34(b).Onfurtherrotationthebkthroughananlg theta+(2) (=90^(@)) in anticlockwese direction about axis 2 the book ocupies the position as shown in Fig.2(d)34.(c).<br>(ii)Formtheitialpositionofbok,[Fig.2(d).34(a)],ifthebkisrotatedthrough theta_(1) (=90^(@))theanclockwisedirectionfirstabouttheaξs2, it occupties the position as shown in Fig. 2 9d).34 (d). On further rotating the book through θ29=90)clockwisedirectionaboutaξs1thebkouπesthepositionshownFig.2(d).34(e).<br><imgaocr_imageloadg=lazysrc=;>.<br>Forabovewe¬etˆthefalpositionsofthebkshownFig.2(d).34(c)andFig.2(d).34(e)are¬thesame.Hence<br> theta_(1) + theta_(2)!= theta_(2) + theta_(1).<br>Thisshowstˆ theta_(1) and theta_(2)¬rsastheydo¬obeythecomμtativelawofraddition.<br>Ifthebkisrotatedthroughasmalr Delta theta _(1) and Delta theta_(2)(say2or3,thefalpositionsofthebkthetwocsesdiscussedabovewodalmostbethesamd.AsDelta theta rarr 0,thefalpositionsofthebkwillbecomedistguishab,thence<br> Delta theta_(1) + Delta theta_(2) =Delta theta_(2) + Delta theta_(1),
