Sages and Fools the entirety of human interaction fits under just three umbrellas. In the first, both parties emerge from the rubble worse than before, the perpetrator of a murder gets life in prison and the victim's day is ruined, so to speak. In the second, everybody wins, I'm terrible at cooking and you're abysmal at housework, so you make us pizza while I attack the fungus under your couch. And as for the third, well, a cynic will say that this is by far the largest umbrella-if it were a pie chart, we're talking everything but the à la mode. We call this interaction category the zerosum, because anything gained must come at the loss of another. Put another way, your tragedy is my windfall. Welcome to the New Wall Street. Poker players are fond of saying that if you look around the table and can't spot the fool, run away as fast as you can, you're it. The same goes for the world of finance, which has quickly become as adversarial as a duel at high noon. Such is the nature of equities, futures, bonds, and derivatives (to name a few): any transaction has both a winner and a loser. Either the buyer has purchased an instrument that is undervalued and will be worth more tomorrow, or the seller has unloaded a bloated instrument that will fall back closer to its "true" market valuation in the near future. Either way, dollars (both unrealized and actual) will flow from one pocket to another. Thus, within such a contentious system, it is to the advantage of all participants to trade with the fool. And, if the fool can't be readily found, trust that one will be enticed. Leading up to the Crash of 2008, fools were aplenty as wild speculation was the flavor du jour and sound financial theory was disregarded. Nowhere was this act of leapingbeforeyoulook as flagrant as in the mortgage industry, where loans were repeatedly and systematically extended to Americans with little to no chance of repaying the interest, let alone the initial capital. Known as "subprime" high-risk borrowers with poor credit scores were extended money at interest rates far above par. The banks' deluded thought process behind this was that the interest rates were so high that, even if an inordinately large percentage of the borrowers defaulted, huge profits were still guaranteed. Besides, worse comes to worst, the bank still owns the house. It was a foolproof plan. Until it wasn't. The housing bubble had finally burst. It wasn't just that a few people defaulted, rather, foreclosures were everywhere you looked. And, even worse, when the banks came by to collect the keys, the houses were now worth only fractions of what the banks lent for them. Consequently, they lost billions. Here's the kicker: while the American financial system nearly collapsed, some had seen the fool coming from miles away, secretly cheering with each misstep by the savings and loan industry. So, while the guardians of the money boxes continued speculating on what they thought to be diamonds, a small handful on the fringes knew that it was nothing but coal. And they profited spectacularly. Through a convoluted, abstruse instrument known as a "credit default swap," these sages were able to make fortunes off of the mortgage implosions, laughing all the way to the bank (where nobody else most certainly was laughing). It was an adroit play by the sages, recognizing an obscure opportunity and capitalizing on the perfect storm. But, such were the just deserts of each party, and such is the black and white duality of the system. One is destined to lose his shirt, and another expands his wardrobe.
according to the paragraph in lines 18-29, what factors contributed to the crash of 2008?
Greedy banks attempted to profit off unsuspecting homeowners.
there were too many speculators and sound finalcial theory was rejected
"zerosum" interaction do not work in economic theory.
stocks were undervalued and wall street was adversarial
The correct Answer is:B
In lines 20-21, the author attributes the Crash of 2008 to "wild speculation" and a disregard for "sound financial theory." (C) and (D) can be ruled out because they are not discussed in these lines and diverge from the author's argument. Choice (A) is appealing, but notice that the author claims the mortgage industry was the best and biggest example of these failures, so (B) is the definite choice. Likewise, "homeowners" is inaccurate, because the banks owned the homes until the borrowers could pay back the loans.
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View SolutionBelow is the beginning of Harriet beecher stowe's 1852 novel. Uncle tom's cabin. Her own remark on te chapter is as follows: in which the redder is introduced to a man of humanity. Late in the afternoon of a chilly day in february two genelemen were sitting over their a well furnished parlour in the line town of P--- in kentucky in the midst of an earnest conversation. That is the way i should arrange the matter, said Mr. shelby, the owner of the place. the fact is Tome is an uncommon fellow, he is certainly worth that sum anywheree steady, honest, capable, manges my farm lie a clock. You ought to let him cover the whole of the debt, and you would, haley, if you'd got any conscience. " Well, I've got just as much conscience as any man in business can afford to keep, siad haley, and I',m willing to do anything to blige friends, but this yer, ye see, is too hard on a feller, it really is. haven't you a boy or gal on a feller, it realyy in with tom? Hum-- none that I Could well spare, to tell te truth, it s only hard necessity makes me sell at all." Here the door opened, and a small quadroon boy, remarkably beauti-ful and engaging, entered with a comic air of assurance which showed e was used to being petted and noticed by his master. hulloa. Jim crow," said mr. shelby, snapping a bunch of raisins towards him, " pick that up, Now the child scampered, with all his little strength after the prze while his master laughed. tel you what siad haley, " Fling in that cahp, and I' ll settle the business, I wil. At this moment a young woma. obviously the child's mother, came in search of him, and haley, as soon as she had carried him away, turned to mr. Shelby in admiration. By jupiter said the trader, there's an article now you might make your fortune on that one gal in orleans, any way what shall I say for her? What'll you take? " Mr haley, she is not to be sold. I say no, and I mean no," said Mr. shelby. decidedly. Well. you'll let me have the boy, though i would rather not sell him, '' said Mr. i would rather not sell him. Said mr' Shelby, the fact is I' m a humane man, and I hate to take the boy from his mother, sir. Oh, you do? la, Yes, I understand per-factly. It is mighty unpleasant getting on fectly. It is mighty unpleasant getting on with women sometimes. I al' ays hates these with women sometimes. I al' as hates these with women sometimes. I al' ays hates these yer screechin times. As I manages business. I generally avoids em, sir. now, what if you get the gal off for a day or so? then the thing's done quietly. it 's always best to do the humane thing. sir, that's been my experience." "I'd lie to have been able to kick the fellow down the steps, siad mr. shelby to himself, when the trader had bowed himself himself, when the trader had bowed humself out. And Eliza's child. too I know I shal have some fuss with the wife about that, and for that matter, about tom, too so much for being in dibt, heigho the prayer-meeting at uncle tome's cabin had been protracted to a very late hour, and Tom and his worthy helpmeet were not yet asleep, when between twelve and one there was a light tap on the window pane good Lord what that said Aunt chloe, starting up. My sakes alive it it aint Lizzy Get on your clothes, old man, quick. I'm gwine to open the door. and suiting the action to the word, the door flew open and the light of the candle wich Tom had hastily lighted. fell on the face of elizxa. I' m running away. Uncle tom and aunt chloe__ carrying off my child. Master sold him. " " Sold him? echoed both. holding up their hands in dismay. " Yes. sold him said eliza firmly. ' I crept into ther closet by mistre4ss's door to night, and I heard master tel missus that he had sold my harry and you , Uncle tom, both to a trader, and that the man was to take posses- sion to - day" Slowly, as the meaning of this speech came over Tom, he collapsed on his old chair, and sunk his head on his knees.
1. Which choice provides the best summary of what happened in the passage?
View Solutionजीवन की उत्पत्ति के समय स्वतंत्र अवस्था में नहीं पायी जाती थी-
View Solutionदिए गए चित्र में दिखाए गए परिपथ में लगी बैटरी का विधुत वाहक बल्ब 12 बोल्ड तथा आन्तरिक प्रतिरोध नगण्य है । अमीटर Aके पाठ्यांक की गणना कीजिए जबली कुँजी K (i) खुली हो , (ii) बन्द हो ।
View Solution1 मीटर की दूरी पर स्थित दो समान्तर तारों में क्रमशः 1 ऐम्पियर तथा 3 ऐम्पियर की धाराएँ एक-दूसरे के विपरीत दिशाओं में प्रवाहित हो रही है। दोनों के प्रति मीटर लम्बाई पर आरोपित बल है-
View Solutionप्रदत्त चित्र में दो लम्बे समान्तर धारावाही चालकों में 1 ऐम्पियर तथा 3 ऐम्पियर की धाराएँ एक-दूसरे के विपरीत दिशाओं में प्रवाहित हो रही है। तारों के बीच 2 सेमी की दूरी है। तारों के बीच ठीक मध्य-बिन्दु पर 106 मी/से की चाल से गतिमान प्रोटॉन पर कार्य करने वाले बल का मान तथा दिशा ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionदो लम्बे सीधे तार परस्पर 75 सेमी की दूरी पर है। इनमें 5.0 ऐम्पियर की धारा समान दिशा में प्रवाहित हो रही है। एक तार में धारा समान दिशा में प्रवाहित हो रही है। एक तार के कारण दूसरे तार पर उत्पन्न चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र की गणना कीजिए। दूसरे तार के 3 मीटर लम्बाई पर लगने वाले बल का मान ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solution0.40 टेस्ला के चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र के अंतर्गत एक कण 1.0 सेमी व्यास के वृत्त में गति करता है। यह पथ 200 V/m के वैधुत क्षेत्र से सरल रेखीय हो जाता है। इस कण आवेश/द्रव्यमान अनुपात का मान ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View Solutionएक प्रेरक के बहने वाली धारा, i=4+12t द्वारा दी जाती है, जहाँ I ऐम्पियर में तथा t सेकण्ड में है | इसमें स्वप्रेरित विधुत वाहक बल 12 mV है | ज्ञात कीजिए- (i) स्वप्रेरकत्व, तथा (ii) t=1 सेकण्ड पर प्रेरक में संचित ऊर्जा एवं इसको प्रदान की गयी शक्ति |
View Solutionएक प्रेरक में प्रवाहित धारा, i=2+5t द्वारा व्यक्त की जाती है, जहाँ i ऐम्पियर तथा t सेकण्ड में है | इसमें स्वप्रेरित विधुत वाहक बल 10 मिलिवोल्ट है | ज्ञात कीजिए -
(i) स्वप्रेरण गुणांक, तथा (ii) t=2 सेकण्ड पर प्रेरक में संचित ऊर्जा |
View Solutionएक कुण्डली का क्षेत्रफल 100सेमी2 है तथा उसमें 500 फेरे है | यदि कुण्डली के तल के लम्बवत चुम्बकीय क्षेत्र 0.1 सेकण्ड में 0.2वेबर/मी2 से घटकर शून्य हो जाये तो कुण्डली में प्रेरित विधुत वाहक बल का औसत मान ज्ञात कीजिए |
View Solutionएक राजमार्ग पर दो बिन्दु A और B एक दूसरे से 90 किमी की दूरी पर है। एक कार A से तथा दूसरी कार B से एक साथ चलती हैं। यदि वे एक दिशा में चलती हैं, तो वे 9 घण्टे बाद मिलती हैं और वे विपरीत दिशा में चलती हैं, तो 97 घण्टे बाद मिलती है। उनकी चाल ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionएक व्यक्ति ₹ 1000 का नोट लेकर बैंक जाता है। वह कैशियर से बदले में केवल ₹5 और ₹10 के नोट देने के लिये कहता है। यदि उसे कुल ।75 नोट मिलते हैं, तो उसने ₹5 और ₹10 के कितने-कितने नोट प्राप्त किए?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरणों के युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल (यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) विलोपन विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
किराए पर पुस्तके देने वाले किसी पुस्तकालय का प्रथम तीन दिनों का एक नियम किराया है तथा उसके बाद प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का अलग किराया है । सरिता ने सात दिनों तक एक पुस्तक रखने के लिए 27 अदा किए जबकि सुसी ने एक पुस्तक पाँच दिनों तक रखने के 21 ऐडा किए । नियत किराया तथा प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का किराया ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View Solutionएक यौगिक में तत्व A तथा B घनीय संरचना में क्रिस्टलीकृत होते हैं । परमाणु A घन के कोनो पर तथा B फलक के केंद्र पर उपस्थित है । यौगिक का सूत्र है :
View Solutionएक फलक केंद्रित घनीय क्रिस्टल में A व B परमाणु उपस्थित है । परमाणु A घनीय एकक कोष्ठिका के कोनो पर है जबकि परमाणु B फलको के केंद्र पर स्थित है । प्रत्येक एकक कोष्ठिका के एक कोने पर परमाणु A उपस्थित नहीं है । यौगिक का सरलतम सूत्र है :
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