The forests of amierica, however slighted by man, must have been a great delight to god, for they wer the best he ever planted the whole continent was a garden, and from the beginning it seemed to tbe favored above all the other wild parks and gardens of the globe. [...] So they appeared a few cnturies ago when they were rajoicing in wildness. The indians with stone exes could do them no nore harm than could gnawing beavers and browsing moose. Even the fires of the indians and the fierce shattering lightning seemed to work together only for good in clearing sports here and there for smooth garden parairies, and openings for sunflowers seeking the light. But hwhen the steel axe of the white man rang out in the startled air their doom was sealed. Every tree heard the bodeful sound, and pillars of smoke gave the sign in the sky. I suppose we need not go mourning the buffaloes. In the nature of things they had to give place to better cattle, though the chang e might have be made without barbarous wickedness. Likewise many of nature's five hundred kinds of wild trees had to make way for orchards and conrfields. In the settlement and civilization of the country, bread m ore than timebr or beauty was wanted, and in the blindess of hunger, the early settlers claiming heaven as theri guide, regarded god's trees as only a larger king of pernicious weeds, extremely hard to get rid of. Accordingly, whth no eye to the future, these pious destroyers waged interminable forest wars, chips flew thick and fast, trees in their beauty fell crashing by mllions, smashed to confusion, and the smoke of their burning has been rising to heaven more than two hundred years. After the atlantic coast from Maine to Georgia had been mostly cleard and acorched into melancholy runins, the overflowing multitude of bread and money seekers poured over the Alleghenies into the fertile middle west, spreding ruthless devastation ever wider and farther over the rich valley of the Missippi and the vast shadowy pine region about the Great lakes. Thence still westward the invading horde of destroyers called settlers made its fiery way over the broad Rocky Mountains, felling and buring more fercely than ever, until at last it has reached the wild side of the continent, and entered the last of the great aboriginal foreast on the shores of the pacific. Surely, then ,it should not be wondered at that lovers of their country, bewailing its baldness, are now crying aloud, " save what is left of the forests" Clearing has surely now gone far enough, soon timber will be scarce, and not a grove will be left to rest in or pary in. the remnant protected will yield plenty of timber, a perennial harvest for every right use, without further diminution of its area, and will continue to cover the springs of the rivers that rise in the mountains and giveirrigating waters to the dry valleys at their feet, prevent wasting floods and be a blessing to everybody forever. Every other civilized nation in the word has been compelled to care for its forests, and so must we if wase and destruction are not to go on to the bitter end, leaving america as barren as palestine or spain. In its clamer moments in the midst of bewildering hunger and war and restless over-industry, Prussia has learned that the forest plays an important part in hman progress, and that the advance in civilization only makes it more indispensable. [...] so far our government has done nothing effective with its forests, though the best in the world, but is like a rich and foolish spendthrift who has inherited a magnificent estate in perfect order, and then has left his rich fields and meadows, forests and then has left his rich fields and meadows, forests and parks, to be sold and plundered and wasted at will, depending on their inexhaustible abundance. Now it is plain that the forests ae not inehaustible, and that quick measures must be taken if ruin is to be avoided.
37. Which option gives the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?
Lines 34-42(" Accordingly… ruins")
Lines 43-45 (" Multitude … West")
Lines 47-48 (" rich …. Lakes" )
Lines 49-55 (" Thence … Pacific" )
The correct Answer is:D
Lines 49-55 indicate that the harvesting has entered the last of the great aboriginal forests on the shores of the pacific. " As such these lines give evidence of which region is still abundant in forests and provide the answer for the previous question. choices (A). (B) and (c0 illustrate which areas have been harvested, but do not address the region which has not.
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Charles Dickens's Great expectations ws first published in 1861. pip, a poor orphan who is cared for by his sister and her husband, meets the young girl who will become the lifetime object of his affections while simultaneously becoming aware of his lowly position in the caste system. I must have been about ten years old when I went to miss havisham's, and first met Estella. My uncle pumblechook, who kept a cornchandler's shop in the high-street of the line town, took me to the large old, dismal house, which had all its windows barred. For miles round everybody had heard of miss havisham as an immensely rich and grim lady who led a life of seclusion, and everybody soon knew that Mr. pumblechook had been commissioned to bring her a boy. He left me at the courtyard, and a young lady, who was very pretty and seemed very proud, let me in, and I noticed that the passages were all dark, and that there was a candle burning. My guide, who called me "boy," but was really about my own age, was as scornful of me as if she had been one-and-twenty, and a queen. She led me to miss Havisham's room, and there, in an armchair, with her elbow resting on the table, sat the strangest lady i have ever seen, or shall ever see. She was dressed in rich materials-satins and lace and silks-all of white-or rather, which had been white, but, like all else in the room, were now faded yellow. Her shoes were white, and she had a long white veil dependent from her hair, and bridal flowers in her hair, but her hair was white. I saw that the bride within the bridal dress had withered like the dress. "who is it?" said the lady at the table. "pip, ma'am. Mr. pumblechook's boy." "come nearer: let me look at you, come close. You are not afraid of a woman who has never seen the sun since you were born?" "No, ma'am." "do you know what I touch here?" she said, laying her hands, one upon the other, on her left side. "yes, ma'am: your heart." "broken!" she was silent for a little while, and then added, "I am tired, I want diversion. play, play, play!" what was an unfortunate boy to do? I didn't know how to play. "call Estella," said the lady. "call Estella, at the door." It was a dreadful thing to be bawling "estella" to a scornful young lady in a mystrious passage in an unknown house, but I had to do it. And Estella came, and I heard her say, in answer to miss havisham, "Play with this boy! why, he is a common labouring boy!" I thought I overheard miss havisham answer, "well? you can break his heart." we played at beggar my neighbour, and before the game was out Estella said disdainfully, "he calls the knaves jacks, this boy! and what coarse hands he has! and what thick boots!" I was very glad to get away. My coarse hands and my common boots had never troubled me before, but they troubled me now, and i determined to ask joe why he had taught me to call those picture cards jacks which ought to be called knaves. for a long time i went once a week to this strange, gloomy house-it was called satis house-and once estella told me I might kiss her. and then miss havisham decided I was to be apprenticed to joe, and gave him £25 for the purpose, and i left off going to see her, and helped joe in the forge. But i didn't like joe's trade, and i was afflicted by that most miserable thing-to feel ashamed of home. I couldn't resist paying miss havisham a visit, and, not seeing estella, stammered that i hoped she was well. "abroad," said miss havisham, "educating for a lady, far out of reach, prettier than ever,admired by all who see her. do you feel that you have lost her?" I was spared the trouble of answering by being dismissed, and went home dissatisfied and uncomfortable, thinking myslef coarse and common, and wanting to be a gentleman.
1. The passage can best be summarized as witch one of the following statement?
View SolutionAmory blaine inherite from his mother every trait, exept the stray inexpressible few, that made him worth while. His father, line an ineffectual, inarticulate man with a taste for byron and a habit of drowsing over the encyclopedia britannica, grew wealthy at thirty through the death of two elder brothers, successful chicago brokers, and in the first flush of feeling that the world was his, went to Bar harbor and met beatrice O ' hara. In consequence, stephen blaine handed down to posterity his height of just under six feet and his tendency to waver at crucial moments, these two abstractions appearing in his son amory. for many years he hovered in the background of his family's life, an unassertive figure with a face half-obliterated by lifeless, silky hair, continually occupied in taking care of his wife, continually harassed by the indea that he didn't and couldn't understander her. But Beartice blaine there was a woman early pictures taken on her fater's eastate at lake geneva, Wisconsin or in Rome at the sacrd heart convent _an educational extravagance that in her youth was only for the daughters of the exceptionally welthy showed the exquisite delicacy of her features, the consummate art and simplicity of her clothes. A brilliant education she had _ her youth passaed in renaissance glory, she was versed in the latest gossip of trhe older Roman families, known by name as a fabulously wealthy american girl to cardinal Vitori and Queen Margherita and more subtle celebrities that one must have had some culture even to have heard of. She learned in England to prefer whickey and soda to wine, and her small talk was broad ended in two senses during a winter in vienna. All in all beatrice O hara absorbed the sort of education that will be quite impossible ever again, a tutelage measured by the number of things and people one could be contemptuous of and charming about, a culture rich in all arts and traditions, barren of all ideas, in the last of those days when the great gardener clipped the inferior roses to produce one perfect bud. In her less important moments she returned to America, met stephen blaine and married him_ this almost entirely because she was a little bit weary, a little bit sad. Her only child was carried through a tiresome season and brought into the world on a spring day i ninety _six. when amory was five he was already a delightful companion for her. He was an auburn-haired boy, with great, handsome eyes which he would grow up to in time, a facile imaginative maind and a taste for fancy dress. From his fourth to his tenth year he did the country with his mother in her fathers private car, from coronado, where f=his mother became so bord that she had nervous breakdown in a fashionable hotel down to Mexico city. where she took a mild, almost spidemic cosumption. this trouble pleased her, and later she made use of it as an intrinsic part of her atmosphere- especially after several astounding bracers. So while more or less fortunate little rich boys were defying governesses on the beach at newport, or being spanked or tutored or reqd to from " Do and Dare, " or " Frank on the Mississippi, " Amory was biting acquiescent bell -boys in the waldorf, outgrowing a natural repugnance to chamber music and symphonies, and deriving a highly special ized education froj his mother amory" " Yes, beatrice. " Such a quaint name for his mother, she encouraged it. dear, don't think of getting out of bed yet. I've always suspected that early rising in early life makes on nervous. Clothilde is having your breakfast brought up." " All right." I am feeling very old to day, amory, she would sigh, her face a rare coameo of pathos, her voice exquisityely modulated, her hands as facile as bernhardt's my nerves are on edge- on edge. We must leave this terrifying place to morrow and go searching for sunchine." Amory's penetrating gre3en eyes would look out through tangled hair at his m other even at this age he had no illusions about her.
(Q). 1 Beatrice is best characterized as
View Solutionनिम्न का कारण स्पष्ट कीजिए - (क) जलोद्भिद में वायु अवकाश अत्यधिक विकसित होते है ,(ख) मध्योद्भिद पौधों को नमक के जल में रखने पर वे मर जाते है |
View Solutionकिन्ही दो संयोजक कड़ी वाले जन्तुओ के नाम तथा वे किस संघ से संबंधित कड़ी है, बताइए!
View Solutionएक राजमार्ग पर दो बिन्दु A और B एक दूसरे से 90 किमी की दूरी पर है। एक कार A से तथा दूसरी कार B से एक साथ चलती हैं। यदि वे एक दिशा में चलती हैं, तो वे 9 घण्टे बाद मिलती हैं और वे विपरीत दिशा में चलती हैं, तो 97 घण्टे बाद मिलती है। उनकी चाल ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionएक व्यक्ति ₹ 1000 का नोट लेकर बैंक जाता है। वह कैशियर से बदले में केवल ₹5 और ₹10 के नोट देने के लिये कहता है। यदि उसे कुल ।75 नोट मिलते हैं, तो उसने ₹5 और ₹10 के कितने-कितने नोट प्राप्त किए?
View Solutionश्री मोहित ने एक निश्चित दूरी के लिए ट्रेडमिल पर चलने का फैसला किया है। पहले दिन, वह एक निश्चित गति से चलता है। अगले दिन, वह ट्रेडमिल की गति को 1 किमी/घंटा बढ़ाता है, वह 6 मिनट कम लेता है और यदि वह गति को 1 किमी/घंटा कम करता है, तो वह 9 मिनट अधिक लेता है। उसने प्रतिदिन कितनी दूरी चलने का निश्चय किया?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरण युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल प्रतिस्थापन विधि द्वारा ज्ञात कीजिए :
एक नगर में टैक्सी के भाड़े में एक नियम भाड़े के अतिरिक्त चली गई दुरी पर भाड़ सम्मिलित किए जाता है। 10 किमी दुरी के लिए भाड़ा 105 है तथा 15 किमी के लिए भाड़ा क्या है ? एक व्यक्ति को 25 किमी यात्रा करने के लिए कितना भाड़ा देना होगा ?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरणों के युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल (यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) विलोपन विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
यदि हम अश में 1 जोड़ दे तथा हर में से 1 घटा दे , तो भिन्न 1 में बदल जाती है । यदि हर में 1 जोड़ दे तो यह 12 हो जाती है । वह भिन्न क्या है ।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरणों के युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल (यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) विलोपन विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
पाँच वर्ष पूर्व नूरी की आयु सोनू की आयु की तीन गुनी थी। दस वर्ष पश्चात नूरी की आयु सोनू की आयु की दो गुनी हो जाएगी । नूरी और सोनू की आयु कितनी है ?
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रेखिक समीकरणों के युग्म बनाइए और उनके हल (यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) विलोपन विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
किराए पर पुस्तके देने वाले किसी पुस्तकालय का प्रथम तीन दिनों का एक नियम किराया है तथा उसके बाद प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का अलग किराया है । सरिता ने सात दिनों तक एक पुस्तक रखने के लिए 27 अदा किए जबकि सुसी ने एक पुस्तक पाँच दिनों तक रखने के 21 ऐडा किए । नियत किराया तथा प्रत्येक अतिरिक्त दिन का किराया ज्ञात कीजिए ।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रैखिक समीकरणो के युग्म बनाइए और अनके हल ( यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) किसी बीजगणितीय विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
एक छात्रावास के मासिक व्यय का एक भाग नियत है तथा शेष इस पर निर्भर करता है कि छात्र ने कितने दिन भोजन लिया है। जब एक विद्यार्थी A को, जो 20 दिन भोजन करता है, 1000 छात्रावास के व्यय के लिए अदा करने पड़ते हैं, जबकि एक विद्यार्थी बी को, जो 26 दिन भोजन करता है छात्रावास के व्यय के लिए 1180 अदा करने पड़ते हैं। नियत व्यय और प्रतिदिन के भोजन का मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिए।
View Solutionसमस्याओ में रैखिक समीकरणो के युग्म बनाइए और अनके हल ( यदि उनका अस्तित्व हो ) किसी बीजगणितीय विधि से ज्ञात कीजिए :
यश ने एक टेस्ट में 40 अंक अर्जिक किये, जब उसे प्रत्येक सही उत्तर पर 3 अंक मिले तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 1 अंक की कटौती की गई । यदि उसे सही उत्तर पर 4 अंक मिलते तथा अशुध्द उत्तर पर 2 अंक कटते , तो यश 50 अंक अर्जिक करता । टेस्ट में किनते प्रश्न थे ?
View Solutionराजू और उसके पिताजी नदी में नाव से जा रहे थे | राजो के पिता जी ने घडी में प्रयुक्त सेल तथा सावन यंत्र नदी में फेक दिए| राजूने अपने पिता को ऐसा करने से रोका
रासायनिक विज्ञान के विधार्थी होने के नाते आप राजू के पिताजी को नदी में सेल नहीं फेकने को क्योँ कहेंगे |
View Solutionमनु और उसके पापा अपने इन्वर्टर के लिए बैटरी खरीदने के लिए एक दूकान पर गए | दुकानदार ने उन्हें लेद प्लेट ववाली और केडमियम प्लेट वाली दो प्रकार की बेटरिया दिखाई |केडमियम प्लेट वाली बैट्ररी लेद प्लाट वाली बैटरी से काफी कीमती थी | मनु के पापा लेद प्लेट वाली वेटरी खरीदना चाहते थे, क्योँकि वह सस्ती थी | उपयुक्त अवतरण के आधार पर निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
रासायनिक विज्ञान के विद्यार्थी होने के नाते, आप मनु के प[आप को केदमुयम प्लेट वाली कीमती बैट्ररी खरीदने के लये क्योँ करते है ? दो कारण दीजिए |
View Solutionरामू एक सब्जी उत्पादर हैं । वह अपने उपजाऊ भूमि में टमाटर लगाकर उच्च पैदावर प्राप्त करता हैं । लेकिन उसके खेत से मण्डी की दूरी अधिक थी तथा परिवहन के साधन भी उपलब्ध नहीं थे , जिसके परिमाणस्वरुप विलंब के कारण टमाटर सड़ जाते थे तथा बाजार में मूल्य नही मिलते थे ।
जब उसने कृषि विश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ने वाले अपने मित्र को समस्या से अवगत कराया तब मित्र ने उसे पारजीनी टमाटर की किस्म उगाने को कहा जो कि विलम्ब से पकता हैं ।
उपर्युक्त गद्यांश को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ने के बाद निम्न - लिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिये - (i) पारजीनी (Transgenic) क्या हैं ?
(ii) पारजीनी टमाटर का उत्पादन कैसे किया जाता हैं ?
(iii) रामू के मित्र व्दारा किन मूल्यों का प्रदर्शन किया गया ?
View Solution