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Write the balanced equations for the following reactions :
* (iii) Ag(s)+HCl(1)AgClH2

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Step 1 : Rewrite the given equation as it is
Step 2 : Write the number of atoms of each element in the unbalanced equation on both sides of equations.
The number of silver and chlorine atoms on both sides of the equation are same , therefore ,equalise the number of hydrogen atoms.
Step 3 : To balance the number of hydrogen atoms.
To equalise the number of hydrogen atoms, we use 2 as the factor in the product HCl , now the unbalanced equation become
Step 4 : To balnce the number of chlorine atoms : ocr_image
To equalise the number of chlorine atoms, we use 2 as the factor in the product AgCl, now the unbalnced equation becomes
Now count the atoms of each element on both sides of the reactant. Now equalise the silver atoms , the balanced equation becomes 2Ag+2HCl2AgCl+H2
Now indicate the physical states of the reactants abd products
