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Write a note on redox reaction .

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The reaction which involes simultaneous oxidation and reduction is called an oxidation-reduction or redox reaction.
In a redox reaction ,one reactant gets oxidised while the other gets reduced during a reaction.
Redox reaction =Reduction+ Oxidation
In redox reaction , the reductant is oixdized by the oxidant and the oxidant is reduced by the reductant.
In this reaction ,oxygen is removed from copper oxied therefore it is a reduction of CUO , while hydrogen accepts oxygen to form water that means oxidation of hydrogen takes place. Thus oxidation and reduction reactions occur simultaneusly.
other examples of redox reactions :
MnO2Mangansedioside+4HClMnCl2Manganesechloride+2H2O+Cl2⏐ ⏐ ⏐
