Production of Yoghurt.

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(1) Yoghurt is one of the milk product produced from milk with the help of lactobacilli (inoculant).
(2) In the industrial production of yoghurt, the milk is added with condensed milk powder. This increases the protein content of the milk. Then this milk is subjected to fermentation.
(3) Milk is boiled and then it is cooled till it becomes lukewarm.
(4) Then the bacterial strains of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii are added to this lukewarm milk in 1:1 proportion.
(5) The Streptococcus bacteria convert the milk into solution containing lactic acid. This makes the proteins to gel out. It makes the yoghurt dense.
(6) The lactobacilli help in the formation of acetaldehyde like compounds giving a characteristic taste to the yoghurt.
(7) For commercial reasons, various fruit juices are mixed with yoghurt to impart different flavours forming strawberry yoghurt, banana yoghurt, etc.
(8) The pasteurization is carried out to increase the shelf life yoghurt and improve its probiotic properties.

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