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What is fertilisation?

When the male gametes(pollen) comes into contact with female gametes(ovum), they fuse together to form a diploid zygote. This process is called fertilisation. It is a physicochemical process, and the entire cycle takes place within the zygote, which further develops to form a seed. This process is followed in both flowering plants(angiosperms) and seed-bearing plants(gymnosperms). The product obtained through this process is a cell, which is known as a zygote.

The four basic steps followed in the fertilisation process are-

  1. Pollination
  2. Germination
  3. Penetration of the ovule
  4. Fertilisation

What is double fertilisation?

When the pollen grain falls on the stigma, the pollen tube enters one of the synergids to release two male gametes. One of the male gametes gets fused with the egg cell to form a zygote which is identified as syngamy fusion, while the other male gamete fuses with the two polar nuclei to form a primary endosperm nucleus(PEN) which is known as triple fusion.

And the entire process with two kinds of fusion is called double fertilisation which is a significant attribute of flowering plants.

The zygote matures to become an embryo after several cell divisions. The primary endosperm nucleus initially develops into the primary endosperm cell and finally converts into the endosperm.

The process of double fertilisation is an important and intricate process. It helps in the maturation of the ovary into a fruit, then progresses into the ovules and finally into the seeds.

Significance of double fertilisation:

  1. During the process of maturation of the embryo, a new plant is born.
  2. There is an increase in the possibility of the seeds of the angiosperms.
  3. The endosperm developed though the primary endosperm nucleus provides nourishment to the developing embryo.
  4. Through the process of double fertilisation, two products are obtained at the end.
  5. The male gametes formed by the pollen grains are completely availed through the process of double fertilisation.

Types of fertilisation:

Following are the three types of fertilisation specifically based on the introduction of pollen tube into the ovule:

1) Porogamy:

When the pollen tube enters the ovule through a micropyle or a minute opening in the ovule, the fertilisation is termed as porogamy fertilisation. Generally, this type of fertilisation takes place in the angiosperms or the flowering plants.

2) Chalazogamy:

When the pollen tube enters the ovule through the tissue of the chalaza which is located opposite to the micropyle, the fertilisation is termed as chalazogamy fertilisation. This type of fertilisation occurs in all casuarina species of plants.

3) Monogamy:

When the pollen tube enters the ovule through its middle part or through the integuments of the ovule, the fertilisation is termed as monogamy fertilisation. This type of fertilisation is seen in all kinds of cucurbit plants.

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When the male anther of a flower transfers the pollen grain to the female stigma of the flower to facilitate fertilisation and the production of seeds, the process will be termed as pollination.

Pollination occurs in those plants that are brightly coloured and have excellent fragrance.

The two types of pollination are:

  1. Self pollination
  2. Cross pollination


The transfer of pollen grain from the anther of a flower to the stigma of the same flower is called self-pollination. It takes place in those plants that do not produce pollens in great amount. The special attribute of this pollination is that it ensures the continuity of the species besides preserving the parental characteristics. But new varieties cannot be obtained from this process, and the genetic defects can’t be removed too.


The transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower of a plant to the stigma of a flower of another plant of the same species is called cross-pollination. This type of pollination usually takes place in unisexual and bisexual flowers.  The seeds produced through this process have a better germinating capacity. But owing to dependence on external agents, there is less chance of cross-pollination. Moreover, pollen grain is wasted in abundance during the course of transfer from one flower to another.

The various agents of cross-pollination are-

  1. Pollination by water(hydrophily);
  2. Pollination by wind(anemophily);
  3. Pollination by bird(ornithophily);
  4. Pollination by animals(zoophily)

Pollination by water-

Water pollination is most prominent in some aquatic plants like Vallisneria and Hydrilla. In this type of pollination, the flowers surface above the water level and get pollinated by insects.

Pollination by wind-

Wind pollination is most common among maise, grasses, rice, sugarcane, etc. This pollination will be carried out only if the pollens are light and non-sticky so that they can easily fly away by winds.

Pollination by birds-

Bird pollination takes place in those plants that are of bright colours and have the huge size so as to balance the weight of the bird with flower. In addition, the flowers should contain nectar in large quantity so that the birds are easily attracted.

Pollination by animals-

Animal pollination is well known among those flowering plants which have sticky pollen grains and can adhere easily to the body of the pollinator. The insect-pollinated flowers should also be bright and fragrant and vivid.

Angiosperms :

Angiosperms are the plant producing or flower producing plant specifically studied for retaining ovules within an ovary. The reproductive parts of the angiosperms are the flowers or buds. Each male and female reproductive organs contains gametes i.e. sperm and egg cells respectively. This species of plant can grow in various kinds of environment.

Double fertilisation which occurs in two structures i.e. zygote and endosperm takes place in the angiosperms.

Stages of embryo development in angiosperms:

  1. At the initial stage, the terminal cell divides itself and develops into a globular proembryo. Just after, the basal cell dissects itself into a suspensor.
  2. With the presence of cotyledons, a heart-shaped is formed in the developing embryo.
  3. Gradually the embryo gets packed and is about to bend.
  4. Finally, the embryo fills up the seed entirely.

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