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Hydrolysis of ethyl cyanide gives :


Formic acid


Acetic acid


Propionic acid



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The correct Answer is:C

To solve the question regarding the hydrolysis of ethyl cyanide, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify Ethyl Cyanide
Ethyl cyanide, also known as ethyl carbamate, has the chemical formula C2H5C≡N. It contains a cyano group (C≡N) attached to an ethyl group (C2H5).

Step 2: Perform Acid Hydrolysis
When ethyl cyanide undergoes hydrolysis, it reacts with water in the presence of an acid (H+). The acid will protonate the cyano group, making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by water.

Step 3: Formation of Intermediate
The first step of hydrolysis involves the attack of water on the cyano group:
- The H+ from the acid attacks the nitrogen of the cyano group.
- Water (H2O) donates a hydroxyl group (OH-) to the carbon of the cyano group.

This results in the formation of an intermediate compound, which is an amide:

Step 4: Further Hydrolysis
The intermediate can undergo further hydrolysis:
- Again, H+ from the acid will attack the nitrogen, and water will provide another hydroxyl group.
- This leads to the formation of a compound with two hydroxyl groups on the same carbon.

Step 5: Elimination of Water
The presence of two hydroxyl groups on the same carbon is unstable, leading to the elimination of a water molecule. This results in the formation of an amide:

Step 6: Final Hydrolysis to Carboxylic Acid
The amide can undergo further hydrolysis:
- H+ from the acid attacks the carbon of the carbonyl group (C=O).
- Water adds to the carbon, resulting in the formation of a carboxylic acid and ammonia.

The final product is propionic acid (C2H5COOH) and ammonia (NH3).

The hydrolysis of ethyl cyanide results in the formation of propionic acid.

Final Answer
The correct answer is C: Propionic acid.

