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If 7103 is divided by 25 , find the remainder .

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To find the remainder when 7103 is divided by 25, we can use the Binomial Theorem and properties of modular arithmetic. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Rewrite the expression
We can express 7103 as (72)51×7:

Step 2: Calculate 72
Calculate 72:

Step 3: Rewrite 49 in terms of 25
Next, we can express 49 as 501:

Step 4: Apply the Binomial Theorem
Now, we can use the Binomial Theorem to expand (501)51:

Step 5: Focus on terms modulo 25
When we expand this, we need to consider the terms modulo 25. Notice that any term with 5051k where 51k1 will be divisible by 25. Therefore, we only need to consider the last two terms of the expansion:
1. When k=51:
2. When k=50:

Step 6: Combine the relevant terms
Thus, the significant contribution to (501)51 modulo 25 is:

Step 7: Multiply by 7
Now, we multiply by 7 to find 7103:

Step 8: Find the positive remainder
To find the positive remainder, we can add 25:

Final Answer
Thus, the remainder when 7103 is divided by 25 is:
