Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Sketch the curve y=(x1)(x2)(x3).

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To sketch the curve y=(x1)(x2)(x3), we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Roots
Set y=0 to find the x-intercepts (roots) of the curve.
This gives us the roots:

Step 2: Plot the Roots
On the x-axis, plot the points (1,0), (2,0), and (3,0).

Step 3: Determine the Behavior of the Curve
To understand how the curve behaves around the roots, we can evaluate the function at points between and outside the roots.

- For x<1 (e.g., x=0):
y=(01)(02)(03)=(1)(2)(3)=6(below the x-axis)

- For 1<x<2 (e.g., x=1.5):
y=(1.51)(1.52)(1.53)=(0.5)(0.5)(1.5)=0.375(above the x-axis)

- For 2<x<3 (e.g., x=2.5):
y=(2.51)(2.52)(2.53)=(1.5)(0.5)(0.5)=0.375(below the x-axis)

- For x>3 (e.g., x=4):
y=(41)(42)(43)=(3)(2)(1)=6(above the x-axis)

Step 4: Sketch the Curve
Based on the evaluations:
- The curve starts below the x-axis for x<1.
- It crosses the x-axis at x=1 (turning point).
- It rises above the x-axis between x=1 and x=2.
- It crosses the x-axis at x=2 (turning point).
- It goes below the x-axis between x=2 and x=3.
- It crosses the x-axis at x=3 (turning point).
- Finally, it rises above the x-axis for x>3.

Final Sketch
The curve will look like a cubic function with the following characteristics:
- It will touch the x-axis at x=1,2,3.
- It will have a local maximum between x=1 and x=2.
- It will have a local minimum between x=2 and x=3.
