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Factorize : (i) 8 x 3 + 27 y 3 + z 3 - 18 x y z ( i i ) a 3 - 8 b 3 - 64 c 3 - 24 a b c

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To factorize the given expressions, we will use the identity for the sum of cubes and the sum of three cubes. Let's go through each part step by step.

Part (i): Factorize 8x3+27y3+z318xyz

Step 1: Recognize the expression as a sum of cubes and a product term.
- The expression can be rewritten as (2x)3+(3y)3+z33(2x)(3y)(z).

Step 2: Identify a=2x, b=3y, and c=z.
- Now we can apply the identity:

Step 3: Substitute a, b, and c into the identity.
- We have:

Step 4: Calculate each term in the second factor.
- (2x)2=4x2
- (3y)2=9y2
- The product terms:
- (2x)(3y)=6xy
- (3y)(z)=3yz
- (z)(2x)=2zx

Step 5: Combine these results.
- The second factor becomes:

Final Factorization:
- Thus, the factorization of 8x3+27y3+z318xyz is:

Part (ii): Factorize a38b364c324abc

Step 1: Rewrite the expression.
- Recognize that 8b3=(2b)3 and 64c3=(4c)3.
- The expression can be rewritten as a3(2b)3(4c)33abc.

Step 2: Identify a=a, b=2b, and c=4c.
- We can apply the identity:

Step 3: Substitute a, b, and c into the identity.
- We have:

Step 4: Calculate each term in the second factor.
- (2b)2=4b2
- (4c)2=16c2
- The product terms:
- a(2b)=2ab
- a(4c)=4ac
- (2b)(4c)=8bc

Step 5: Combine these results.
- The second factor becomes:

Final Factorization:
- Thus, the factorization of a38b364c324abc is:
