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Explain Quadrants ; Angle in standard position ; Angle in quadrant ;Quadrant angle triangle of reference coterminal angles with graph ?

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Step-by-Step Solution

1. Understanding Quadrants:
- The Cartesian coordinate system is divided into four quadrants by the x-axis and y-axis, which intersect at the origin (O).
- The quadrants are labeled as follows:
- First Quadrant (I): Both x and y coordinates are positive (0° to 90°).
- Second Quadrant (II): x is negative, y is positive (90° to 180°).
- Third Quadrant (III): Both x and y coordinates are negative (180° to 270°).
- Fourth Quadrant (IV): x is positive, y is negative (270° to 360°).

2. Angle in Standard Position:
- An angle is said to be in standard position if its vertex is at the origin (O) and its initial side lies along the positive x-axis.
- The angle is measured from the initial side to the terminal side, which can be in any of the four quadrants depending on the angle's measure.

3. Angle in a Quadrant:
- An angle is considered to be in a specific quadrant if its terminal side lies within that quadrant.
- For example, if the terminal side of an angle lies in the first quadrant, then the angle is said to be in the first quadrant.

4. Quadrant Angle:
- A quadrant angle is an angle in standard position whose terminal side lies on one of the axes (x-axis or y-axis).
- Examples include angles of 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°.

5. Triangle of Reference:
- The triangle of reference is formed by dropping a perpendicular from the terminal side of an angle to the x-axis.
- This triangle helps in determining the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle.

6. Co-terminal Angles:
- Co-terminal angles are angles that share the same initial and terminal sides but have different measures.
- For example, an angle of 30° and an angle of 390° are co-terminal because they both end at the same position on the unit circle.

7. Graphical Representation:
- To visualize these concepts, you can draw the Cartesian plane with the x and y axes.
- Mark the quadrants, draw angles in standard position, and indicate the terminal sides.
- Illustrate the triangle of reference by dropping a perpendicular from the terminal side to the x-axis.
