Briefly describe water potential. What are the factors affecting it?

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Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one part to the other during various cellular processes such as diffusion, osmosis, etc. It is denoted by the Greek letter Psi or ψandisexpressedPascals(Pa).Thewaterpotentialofpurewaterisalwaystakenaszeroatstandardtemperatureandpressure.<br>Waterpotential(psi w)isexpressedastheofsolutepotential(psi s)andpressurepotential(psi p).<br> psi w = psi s + psip <br>Whensomesoluteisdissolvedwater,thewaterpotentialofpurewaterdecreases.Thisistermedassolutepotential(psi s),whichisalways¬ative.Forasolutionatatmosphericpressure, psi w = psi s .
The water potential of pure water or a solution increases on the application of pressure values more than atmospheric pressure. It is termed as pressure potential. It is denoted by Ψp and has a positive value, although a negative pressure potential is present in the xylem. This pressure potential plays a major role in the ascent of water through the stem.

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