Moga Industries Ltd. 'approached a well established university in the vity of Madurai to recruit qualified personnel for various technical and professional jobs. They selected Tanya, Ritu, Garima and Chetan for various vacancies in the organisation.
After the selection and placement, 'Moga Industries Ltd.' felt the need to increase the skills and abilities , and th development of positive attitude , and the development of positive attitude of the employees to perform their specific jobs better. The company also realised that learning new skills would improve the job performance of the employees . Hence , the company decided to take action for the same.
(a) Name the step of staffing process regarding which company decided to take action .
(b) State the benefit of the action to 'Mega Industries Ltd'.
(a) The step in the staffing process discussed here is 'Training and Development'.
(b) The benefits of training and development to an organistion are as follows:
(i) Training is a systematic learning, always better than hit and trial methods, which leads to wastage of efforts and money.
(ii) It enhance employee productivity both in term of quantity and leading to higher profits.
(iii) Training equips the future managers, who can takeover in case of emergency.
(iv) Training increases employee morale, reduces absenteeism and employee turnover.
(v) It helps in obtaining effective response to fast changing environment.
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