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Show that (lim)x01x does not exist.

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To show that the limit limx01x does not exist, we will analyze the behavior of the function 1x as x approaches 0 from both the left and the right.

1. Define the Limit: We want to find limx01x. This means we need to consider the values of 1x as x approaches 0.

2. Evaluate the Right-Hand Limit:
- Consider x approaching 0 from the right (positive side), denoted as x0+.
- As x gets closer to 0 from the right (e.g., 0.1,0.01,0.001), the values of 1x become larger and larger:

3. Evaluate the Left-Hand Limit:
- Now consider x approaching 0 from the left (negative side), denoted as x0.
- As x gets closer to 0 from the left (e.g., 0.1,0.01,0.001), the values of 1x become more and more negative:

4. Compare the Two Limits:
- We have found that:
- limx0+1x=+
- limx01x=
- Since the right-hand limit and the left-hand limit are not equal (one approaches + and the other approaches ), we conclude that the overall limit does not exist.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, we can state:
limx01x does not exist.
