Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Show that the function f:NN given by, f(n)=n(1)n for all nN is a bijection.

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To show that the function f:NN defined by f(n)=n(1)n is a bijection, we need to demonstrate that it is both injective (one-to-one) and surjective (onto).

Step 1: Determine the function's behavior for odd and even n

1. For odd n:
- If n is odd, (1)n=1.
- Therefore, f(n)=n(1)=n+1.
- This means odd numbers map to the next even number.

2. For even n:
- If n is even, (1)n=1.
- Therefore, f(n)=n1.
- This means even numbers map to the previous odd number.

Step 2: Show that f is injective

To prove that f is injective, we need to show that if f(a)=f(b), then a=b.

- Case 1: Both a and b are odd.
- Then f(a)=a+1 and f(b)=b+1.
- If f(a)=f(b), then a+1=b+1 which implies a=b.

- Case 2: Both a and b are even.
- Then f(a)=a1 and f(b)=b1.
- If f(a)=f(b), then a1=b1 which implies a=b.

- Case 3: One is odd and the other is even.
- If a is odd and b is even, then f(a)=a+1 (even) and f(b)=b1 (odd).
- Since an even number cannot equal an odd number, f(a)f(b).

Since in all cases, f(a)=f(b) implies a=b, the function is injective.

Step 3: Show that f is surjective

To prove that f is surjective, we need to show that for every mN, there exists an nN such that f(n)=m.

- For even m:
- Let m=2k for some kN.
- We can find n=2k1 (which is odd).
- Then f(n)=f(2k1)=(2k1)+1=2k=m.

- For odd m:
- Let m=2k+1 for some kN.
- We can find n=2k+2 (which is even).
- Then f(n)=f(2k+2)=(2k+2)1=2k+1=m.

Since for every mN we can find an nN such that f(n)=m, the function is surjective.


Since f is both injective and surjective, we conclude that f is a bijection.

