Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


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Doubtnut Promotions Sticky
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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution for Finding the Successor

1. Understand the Definition of Successor: The successor of a number is the number that comes immediately after it. In mathematical terms, if n is any whole number or natural number, then the successor of n is given by the expression n+1.

2. Identify the Number: Let's say we want to find the successor of the number 4. Here, n=4.

3. Apply the Definition: To find the successor, we will add 1 to n. So, we calculate:

4. Perform the Calculation: Now, we perform the addition:

5. State the Result: Therefore, the successor of 4 is 5.

Summary of the Steps
- Step 1: Understand that the successor is n+1.
- Step 2: Identify the number n (in this case, 4).
- Step 3: Calculate the successor by adding 1 to n.
- Step 4: Perform the addition.
- Step 5: Conclude that the successor of 4 is 5.

Updated on:7/8/2024