Long division method
To solve the division of 3640 by 15 using the long division method, we will follow these steps:
1. Set Up the Division: Write 3640 under the long division symbol and 15 outside of it.
Hint: Always place the divisor (15) outside and the dividend (3640) inside the long division bracket.
2. Divide the First Part: Look at the first two digits of 3640, which is 36. Determine how many times 15 can fit into 36.
- 15 goes into 36 two times (2 x 15 = 30).
Hint: Use multiplication to find the largest multiple of the divisor that fits into the current part of the dividend.
3. Subtract: Subtract 30 from 36.
- 36 - 30 = 6.
Hint: Always subtract the product of the divisor and the quotient you just calculated from the current part of the dividend.
4. Bring Down the Next Digit: Bring down the next digit from the dividend (which is 4), making the new number 64.
Hint: After subtracting, always bring down the next digit to continue the division.
5. Divide Again: Now, determine how many times 15 fits into 64.
- 15 goes into 64 four times (4 x 15 = 60).
Hint: Repeat the process of finding how many times the divisor fits into the new number.
6. Subtract Again: Subtract 60 from 64.
- 64 - 60 = 4.
Hint: Keep track of your remainders after each subtraction.
7. Bring Down the Next Digit: Bring down the next digit (which is 0), making the new number 40.
Hint: Always bring down the next digit after subtraction to continue the process.
8. Divide Once More: Determine how many times 15 fits into 40.
- 15 goes into 40 two times (2 x 15 = 30).
Hint: Again, find the largest multiple of the divisor that fits into the new number.
9. Final Subtraction: Subtract 30 from 40.
- 40 - 30 = 10.
Hint: This will give you the final remainder.
10. Conclusion: The quotient is 242 and the remainder is 10.
- Therefore, 3640 divided by 15 is 242 with a remainder of 10.
Hint: The result can be expressed as: 3640 = 15 × 242 + 10.
The long division of 3640 by 15 gives a quotient of 242 and a remainder of 10.
The long division of 3640 by 15 gives a quotient of 242 and a remainder of 10.
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