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Write the smallest 5-digit number having three different digits.

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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the smallest 5-digit number that has three different digits, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the smallest 5-digit number
The smallest 5-digit number is 10,000.

Step 2: Check the digits
The digits in 10,000 are 1 and 0. We only have two different digits here (1 and 0).

Step 3: Increase the number to introduce a third digit
To introduce a third different digit, we can increment the number. Let's add 1 to 10,000:

10,000 + 1 = 10,001

Now, the digits are 1, 0, and 0 (still only two different digits).

Step 4: Continue incrementing
Let's keep incrementing until we find a number with three different digits:

10,001 + 1 = 10,002 (Digits: 1, 0, 2) - Now we have three different digits: 1, 0, and 2.

Step 5: Conclusion
Thus, the smallest 5-digit number that has three different digits is 10,002.

