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Find the H.C.F. of 513 and 783

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To find the H.C.F. (Highest Common Factor) of 513 and 783, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Numbers
We need to find the H.C.F. of the numbers 513 and 783.

Step 2: Check for Common Factors
We will start checking for common factors beginning with the smallest prime number, which is 2.

- Check divisibility by 2:
- 513 is odd (last digit is 3), so it is not divisible by 2.
- 783 is also odd (last digit is 3), so it is not divisible by 2.

Since neither number is divisible by 2, we move to the next prime number, which is 3.

Step 3: Check for Divisibility by 3
To check if a number is divisible by 3, we can sum its digits and see if that sum is divisible by 3.

- For 513:
- Sum of digits = 5 + 1 + 3 = 9 (which is divisible by 3)
- For 783:
- Sum of digits = 7 + 8 + 3 = 18 (which is also divisible by 3)

Since both numbers are divisible by 3, we can divide them by 3.

Step 4: Divide Both Numbers by 3
- Divide 513 by 3:
- 513÷3=171
- Divide 783 by 3:
- 783÷3=261

Now we have the new pair of numbers: 171 and 261.

Step 5: Repeat the Process
Now we will check the new numbers (171 and 261) for common factors again.

- Check divisibility by 2:
- 171 is odd, so it is not divisible by 2.
- 261 is also odd, so it is not divisible by 2.

Next, we check for divisibility by 3 again.

- For 171:
- Sum of digits = 1 + 7 + 1 = 9 (which is divisible by 3)
- For 261:
- Sum of digits = 2 + 6 + 1 = 9 (which is also divisible by 3)

Both numbers are divisible by 3, so we divide them again.

Step 6: Divide Both Numbers by 3 Again
- Divide 171 by 3:
- 171÷3=57
- Divide 261 by 3:
- 261÷3=87

Now we have the new pair of numbers: 57 and 87.

Step 7: Check 57 and 87 for Common Factors
- Check divisibility by 2:
- 57 is odd, so it is not divisible by 2.
- 87 is also odd, so it is not divisible by 2.

Next, we check for divisibility by 3.

- For 57:
- Sum of digits = 5 + 7 = 12 (which is divisible by 3)
- For 87:
- Sum of digits = 8 + 7 = 15 (which is also divisible by 3)

Both numbers are divisible by 3, so we divide them again.

Step 8: Divide Both Numbers by 3 Again
- Divide 57 by 3:
- 57÷3=19
- Divide 87 by 3:
- 87÷3=29

Now we have the new pair of numbers: 19 and 29.

Step 9: Check 19 and 29 for Common Factors
- Check divisibility by 2:
- Both 19 and 29 are odd, so they are not divisible by 2.

- Check divisibility by 3:
- Neither 19 nor 29 is divisible by 3 (as their digit sums are not divisible by 3).

Since 19 and 29 are both prime numbers and have no common factors other than 1, we stop here.

Step 10: Calculate the H.C.F.
The H.C.F. is the product of all the common factors we found during the process. We divided by 3 three times, so:

H.C.F. = 3×3×3=27

Thus, the H.C.F. of 513 and 783 is 27.

