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What does limx(3x2+4x+22x2+x5) equal ?

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As x gets larger and larger, the x2 tems in the numerator and denominator "deminate" in the sense that the terms of lower degree become negligible. Therefore, the larger x gets, the more the rational function looks like 3x22x2=32.
You can also see this by dividing each term of the numerator and denominator by x2, the highest power of x.
Now, as x,4x,2x2,1x,and5x2, each approaches zero. Thus, the entire fraction approaches 3+0+02+00=32. Therefore, limx(3x2+4x+22x2+x5)=32.
To use a graphing calculator to find this limit, enter the function, and use the TABLE in Ask mode to enter larger and larger x values. The table will show y values closer and closer to 1.5.
