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Find the cubes of the following numbers by column method: 35               (ii) 56              (iii) 72

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To find the cubes of the numbers 35, 56, and 72 using the column method, we will follow these steps for each number:

1. Identify A and B:
- A = 3 (the tens digit)
- B = 5 (the units digit)

2. Calculate A³:
- A3=33=27

3. Calculate 3A²B:
- 3A2B=3×(32)×5=3×9×5=135

4. Calculate 3AB²:
- 3AB2=3×3×(52)=3×3×25=225

5. Calculate B³:
- B3=53=125

6. Combine the results:
- Write down the values:
- First term: 27
- Second term: 135
- Third term: 225
- Fourth term: 125

7. Add the terms in columns:
- Start from the rightmost column:
- 125 (B³)
- 225 (3AB²)
- 135 (3A²B)
- 27 (A³)

- Add them step by step:
- 125+225=350
- 350+135=485
- 485+27=512

8. Final result:
- The cube of 35 is 353=42875.

(ii) Finding the cube of 56:

1. Identify A and B:
- A = 5
- B = 6

2. Calculate A³:
- A3=53=125

3. Calculate 3A²B:
- 3A2B=3×(52)×6=3×25×6=450

4. Calculate 3AB²:
- 3AB2=3×5×(62)=3×5×36=540

5. Calculate B³:
- B3=63=216

6. Combine the results:
- Write down the values:
- First term: 125
- Second term: 450
- Third term: 540
- Fourth term: 216

7. Add the terms in columns:
- Start from the rightmost column:
- 216
- 540
- 450
- 125

- Add them step by step:
- 216+540=756
- 756+450=1206
- 1206+125=1331

8. Final result:
- The cube of 56 is 563=175616.

(iii) Finding the cube of 72:

1. Identify A and B:
- A = 7
- B = 2

2. Calculate A³:
- A3=73=343

3. Calculate 3A²B:
- 3A2B=3×(72)×2=3×49×2=294

4. Calculate 3AB²:
- 3AB2=3×7×(22)=3×7×4=84

5. Calculate B³:
- B3=23=8

6. Combine the results:
- Write down the values:
- First term: 343
- Second term: 294
- Third term: 84
- Fourth term: 8

7. Add the terms in columns:
- Start from the rightmost column:
- 8
- 84
- 294
- 343

- Add them step by step:
- 8+84=92
- 92+294=386
- 386+343=729

8. Final result:
- The cube of 72 is 723=373248.

Summary of Results:
- 353=42875
- 563=175616
- 723=373248
