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Find the cube root of each of the following numbers : 1331 4096 (ii) - 2197 9261 (iii) 4096 - 2197 (iv) - 3375 - 2744

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To find the cube roots of the given numbers, we will follow a systematic approach for each part. Let's solve each part step by step.

Part (i): Find the cube root of 13314096

1. Separate the cube roots:

2. Calculate (3)1331:
- The unit digit of 1331 is 1, so the unit digit of the cube root will also be 1.
- Remove the last three digits: 1 remains.
- The largest natural number whose cube is less than or equal to 1 is 1.
- Therefore, (3)1331=11.

3. Calculate (3)4096:
- The unit digit of 4096 is 6, so the unit digit of the cube root will be 6.
- Remove the last three digits: 4 remains.
- The largest natural number whose cube is less than or equal to 4 is 1.
- Therefore, (3)4096=16.

4. Combine the results:

Part (ii): Find the cube root of 21979261

1. Separate the cube roots:

2. Calculate (3)2197:
- The unit digit of 2197 is 7, so the unit digit of the cube root will be 3.
- Remove the last three digits: 2 remains.
- The largest natural number whose cube is less than or equal to 2 is 1.
- Therefore, (3)2197=13.

3. Calculate (3)9261:
- The unit digit of 9261 is 1, so the unit digit of the cube root will also be 1.
- Remove the last three digits: 9 remains.
- The largest natural number whose cube is less than or equal to 9 is 2.
- Therefore, (3)9261=21.

4. Combine the results:

Part (iii): Find the cube root of 40962197

1. Separate the cube roots:

2. Calculate (3)4096:
- From part (i), we found (3)4096=16.

3. Calculate (3)2197:
- From part (ii), we found (3)2197=13.

4. Combine the results:

Part (iv): Find the cube root of 33752744

1. Separate the cube roots:

2. Calculate (3)3375:
- The unit digit of 3375 is 5, so the unit digit of the cube root will also be 5.
- Remove the last three digits: 3 remains.
- The largest natural number whose cube is less than or equal to 3 is 1.
- Therefore, (3)3375=15.

3. Calculate (3)2744:
- The unit digit of 2744 is 4, so the unit digit of the cube root will also be 4.
- Remove the last three digits: 2 remains.
- The largest natural number whose cube is less than or equal to 2 is 1.
- Therefore, (3)2744=14.

4. Combine the results:

Summary of Results:
1. (3)13314096=1116
2. (3)21979261=1321
3. (3)40962197=1613
4. (3)33752744=1514
