If man began with speech and civilisation with agriculture, industry begari with fire. Man did not invent it, probably nature produced a marvel for him by the friction of leaves or twigs, a stroke of lightning or a chance union of chemicals, man merely had a saving wit to imitate Nature and to improve upon her. He put fi re to a thousand uses. First, perhaps he made it serve as a torch to conquer his fearsome enemy, darkness, then he used it for warmth and moved about freely from his native tropics to less enervating zones, slowly making the planet human. Then, he applied, it to metals, softening them, tempering them and combining them into forms stronger and more supple than those in which they had come to his hand. It was fire that created the old and honorable art-of cooking, extending the diet of man to a thousand foods that could not be eaten before. So beneficent and strange was it that fire always remained a miracle to primitive man, fit to be worshipped as God. He offered it countless ceremonies of devotion and made it a centre or focus ofhis life. He carried it carefully with him as he moved from place to place in his wanderings and would not willingly let it die. The Romans even punished with death the careless virgins of the Temple of Vesta who allowed the sacred fire to be extinguished.
Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the word 'supple' as used in the passage.
The correct Answer is:D
Clearly, populist measures would go against financial wellbeing.
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View Solutionएल्किल हैलाइडों में ( C - X ) आबन्ध की प्रकृति तथा प्रतिस्थापन अभिक्रिया की क्रिया-विधि उदाहरण सहित समझाइए।
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2 महिलाए एव 5 पुरुष एक कसीदे के काम को साथ - साथ 4 दिन में पूरा कर सकता है , जबकि 3 महिलाए एव 6 पुरुष इसको 3 दिन में पूरा कर सकते है । ज्ञात कीजिए की इसी कार्य को करने में एक अकेली महिला कितना समय लेगी ? पुन इसी कार्य को करने में एक पुरुष कितना समय लेगा ?
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View Solutionमनु और उसके पापा अपने इन्वर्टर के लिए बैटरी खरीदने के लिए एक दूकान पर गए | दुकानदार ने उन्हें लेद प्लेट ववाली और केडमियम प्लेट वाली दो प्रकार की बेटरिया दिखाई |केडमियम प्लेट वाली बैट्ररी लेद प्लाट वाली बैटरी से काफी कीमती थी | मनु के पापा लेद प्लेट वाली वेटरी खरीदना चाहते थे, क्योँकि वह सस्ती थी | उपयुक्त अवतरण के आधार पर निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
रासायनिक विज्ञान के विद्यार्थी होने के नाते, आप मनु के प[आप को केदमुयम प्लेट वाली कीमती बैट्ररी खरीदने के लये क्योँ करते है ? दो कारण दीजिए |
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