Comfort is now one of the causes of its own spread. It has now become a physical habit, a fashion, an ideal to be pursued for its own sake. The more comfort is brought into the world, the more it is likely to be valued. To those who have known comfort, discomfort is a real torture. The fashion which now decrees the worship of comfort is quite as imperious as any other fashion. Moreover, enormous material interests are bound up with the supply of the means of comfort. The manufacturers of furniture, of heating apparatus, of plumbing fixtures cannot afford to let the love of comfort die. In modern advertisements they have found a means for compelling it to live and grow. A man of means today, who builds a house, is in general concerned primarily with the comfort of his future residence. He will spend a great deal of money on bathrooms, heating apparatus , padded furnishings, and having spent he will regard his house as perfect. His counter part in an earlier age would have been primarily concerned with the impressiveness and magnificence of his dwelling with beauty, in a word, rather than comfort. The money our contemporary would spend on baths and central heating would have been spent on marble staircases, frescoes, pictures and statues. I am inclined to think that our present passion for comfort is a little exaggerated. Though I personally enjoy comfort, I have lived most happily in houses devoid of everything· that Anglo-Saxons deem indispensable. Orientals and even South Europeans who know. not comfort and live very much as our ancestors did centuries ago ·seem to go on very well without' our elaborate apparatus and padded luxuries. However, comfort for me has a. justification, it facilitates mental life. Discomfort handicaps thought, it is difficult to use the mind when they body is cold and aching.
Choose the word that is SIMILAR in meaning to the phrase devoid of as used in the passage.
The correct Answer is:A
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View Solutionएक धारामापी में 30 विभाजन हैं उसकी धारा संवेदिता 20 μA प्रति विभाजन है। यदि इसका प्रतिरोध 20 Ω हो तो इसे 1 A तक पढ़ने वाले अमीटर में किस प्रकार बदलेंगे ?
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View Solutionयदि एक भिन्न के अंश में इसका हर जोड़ दिया जाए और हर में से अंश घटा दिया जाए तो भिन्न 113 बन जाती है । भिन्न ज्ञात कौजिए यदि इसका अंश, हर से 3 कम है।
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(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
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(b) यदि Cd की सांद्रता 1M से घटाकर 0.1 M कर दें तो विधुत वाहक बल पर क्या प्रभाव होगा ?
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