In India, innovation is emerging as one of the most important rubrics in the discourse on how to bring about greater and more consistent economic and social development. One observes steadily growing investments in R & D accross the country, the setting up of national and state innovation bodies, as well as the introduction of government sponsored innovation funds. There have also been several conferences and debates on innovation and how to best promote and accomplish it in India, and a number of articles on the subject, written for newspapers and magazines, as well as more informal platforms like online forums and biogs. Academic engagement and Indian authqrship on the subject have also exploded in the last five years. Despite widespread agreement on the importance of innovation in India, there are wide gulfs between different conceptions of innovation and the path India should take towards securing benefits through investments in innovation.
Many Indian conversations around innovation begin. by talking about jugaad, that uniquely Indian approach to a temporary fix when something complex, like an automobile or a steam engine stops working. However, many observers· have . pointed out that while jugaad is certainly innovative, it is a response to the lack of an innovation culture-more a survival or coping mechanism at a time of need than a systematic methodology to effectively address a wide-ranging, complex set of problems.
Another specifically Indian approach to innovation that has entered into wide currency of late is so-called 'frugal innovation' deemed by many to be the most appropriate for the Indian context. ln its midterm assessment of the 11th five-year plan, the planning commission stressed the need for innovation in India in order to 'accelerate its growth and to make growth more inclusive as well as environmentally sustainable.'The document went on to say that 'India needs more frugal innovation that produces more frugal cost products and services that are affordable by people at low levels of incomes without compromising the safety, efficiency, and utility of the products. The country also needs processes of innovation that are frugal in the resources required to produce the innovations. The products and processes must also have frugal impact on the earth's resources.'
Two people formulated a similar theory called the More-from Less for M0re (MLM theory of innovation) theory of innovation, which advocates a focus on innovations that allow for more production using fewer resources but benefit more people. Under this rubric come products that are more affordable versions of existing technologies. While both frugal innovation and the MLM theory are certainly valuable in terms of bringing affordable products and services to a greater number of people, and may even be considered a necessary first step on India's innovation path, they barely graze the surface of what innovation can accomplish. That is, innovation is capable of bringing about complete paradigm shifts and redefining the way we perceive and interact with the world.
Take the cell phone, for example : it revolutionized communication in a previously inconceivable way, provided consumers with a product. of unprecedented value and created on entirely new market. The cell phone was a result of years of directed, international innovation efforts and large investments, and would not have ever been created if the people responsible simply set out to make the existing telephone cheaper and more accessible to all.
While jugaad and frugal innovation may be indicative of the Indian potential for innovativeness,this potential is not utilised or given opportunity to flourish due to the lack of an enabling culture.
India's many diverse and complex needs can be met only through systematic innovation, and major shifts have to first take place-in our educational institutions, government policies and commercial firms in order for such an innovation enabling culture to come about.
The one thing that India's innovation theorists have not said is that the absence ofa culture of innovation is intrinsically linked to many of the most intractable problems facing India as a nation. These include poor delivery of government services, inadequate systems of personal identification and the absence of widely available financial services for rural poor, health and sanitation failures. This list can go on. Cumulatively, the inability of India as a nation, society and economy to adequately provide for its own population no longer reflects a failure ofimplementation, but rather of a failure ofinnovation, for there are not immediately- available off the shelf solutions that would make it possible for these grand challenges facing India to be redressed. Rather, we need to look at these intractable problems from the more sophisticated and empowering lens of innovation, for them to being to be solved.
Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate title for the passage?
Innovation At Its Best
India And The Elixir Called Innovation
Innovation Around The World vis-a-vis India And Neighbouring Countries
Worldwide Developments In Innovation
The correct Answer is:B
This is the most appropriate title for the passage as it · describes the growing importance of innovation India has realized and is taking all possible steps for it. This passage also discusses various dimensions of implementing innovation withy respect to India.
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I=2.92V, II=0.76V, III=−2.65V
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