The Indian education sector is one of the largest sunrise sectors contributing to the country's economic and social growth. The Indian education system, considered as one of the largest in the world, is divided into two major segments of core and non-core businesses. While, schools and higher education form the core group, the non-core business consists of pre-schools, vocational traiking and coaching classes. The education sector in India is evolving, led by the emergence of new niche sectors like vocational training, finishing schools, child-skill enhancement and e-learniti.g. India has emerged as a strong potential market for investments in training and education sector, due to its favourable demographics (young population) and being a services-driven economy. Indian education sector's market size in Financial Year, 2012-13 estimated to be USD 71.2 billion is expected to increase to USO 109.8 billion by Financial Year 2015-2016 due to the expected strong demand for quanity education. The market .grew at a CAGR of 16.51/o durmg Financial Year 2015-2016. Financial Year 2005-2012.
Education has been made an important and integral part of the national development efforts . . The tremendous increase in the num-ber of students and of educational institutions has given rise to the term 'equcation explosion'. No doubt, has resulted in serious problems such as inadequacy of financial resources and infrastructure and dilution of personal attention to the education and character-formation of the students. Also there is the unwanted side-effect of enormous increase in the number of educated unemployed. However, we cannot overlook the advantages o.f education explosion in India. Mere increase in the percentage ofliterate people does not indicate a qualitative change in the educational standards of the people and a substantial · improvement in manpower resources of India. Unemployment problem in India cannot be blamed on the availability of large masses of educated people in India.
Uncertainty and vacillation have marked the government's policy regarding the medium of education in India. While the government policy in this respect has not changed, a significant increase in the number of schools-primary and secondary-imparting education through the English medium is a significant development: thousands of nursery schools that have mushroomed since the last decade purport to impart education to infants through English. This is an unwanted development which has been deprecated by educationalists and political leaders. Regarding the medium of instruction in colleges and universities, many State Governments have already decided, in principle, to switch over to the regional language. However the implementation in this respect has remained very slow.
Today virtually every university in India is offering correspondence courses for different degrees and diplomas. In fact correspondence education has opened new vistas for the educational system which could not successfully meet the challenging problem of providing infrastructure for multitudes o( new entrants into tlie portals of higher education. The public demand for higher education was·initially met through evening colleges, now correspondence education has come to the rescue of the worried education administrators.
Which of the following facts is not true regarding the Indian education sector as per the passage?
It is still in the process of development
lt is one of the contributors to India's growth
There has been a recent trend towards the adoption ofregional languages as the medium of instruction
Mushrooming of schools imparting English education has been appreciated
The correct Answer is:D
It is mentioned in the last few lines of the second last paragraph that many state governments have decided in principle to switch over to the regional language as the medium of instruction in colleges and universities. However the implementation in this regard has been slow.
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