A stated objective of economic policy planning is achievement of high rates of growth of the economy and sustained improvement in the standards ofliving of people. A rapid growth in employment opportunities for all sections of the society, associated with rising GDP growth is essential to realize this objective as also to achieve the goal of lnclusive Growth.
Since lndia became part of the global economy and underwent economic reforms in 1891, its economy grew at a faster rate ofnearly 9 per cent per annum till 20 I 0. In the process, India has becotne the fourth largest economy in the world. In the last two decades, a significant proportion of the population across the country has reaped the benefits of this economic growth. They have become the part of global economy and market, and their lives have transformed into one of global citizens with all the comforts and luxury in life.
Apart from this burgeoning middle class in the country, the .economic growth seemed to have touched the lives of the poor also. According to the National Sample Survey results, people livmg below poverty line have dramatically come down du.rmg the post economic reform era. Many economists question this dramatic change m poverty level. The fruits of economic
growth have not benefited everyone uniformly. Some are left behind and some others are not touched by the benefits of economic growth. It is proved globally that the so-called trickle down effect does not work in all the societies and India is no exception to this. There are various reasons for th is uneven development in the society.
Modern economy is technology driven and not labour- intensive. High volume of high quality goods and services are produced with fewer labour hands. In short, the modern economy is not generating much employment and sometimes it displaces and replaces labour with machines and tools . During this period, the unemployment rate remained almost same for rural males and decreased by just one percentage for urban male. On the other hand, unemployment among females increased by one percentage for urban and rural females. During this period, the unemployment rate remained almost same for rural males and decreased by just one percentage for urban male. On the other hand, unemployment among females increased by one percentage for urban and rural females economic development process. Such groups need government intervention to ensure that they are not left behind in the development process and deprived of the benefits because they do not have the capacity to be part of the global economy. The government needs to develop safety nets for such groups and try to mainstream them in the development process. They need welfare measures in the form of poverty alleviation programmes to ensure that they survive if not prosper in this era of economic reform. Further, the poor are not a homogeneous population and their capacity to survive the economic reform varied from one group of poor to another. Especially, those who are below the poverty line or the poorest among the poor need more government help.
Growing integration of our economy with the global economy has increased the susceptibility of the economy to the vagaries of global economic forces. Recent global recession adversely affected Indian economy and hence the employment scenario in the country as well.
What should be the best title of the passage in your opinion?
Growing India
Economic reforms and uneven development
Economic policy planning
Technologically driven modern economy
The correct Answer is:B
The passage talks about the status of economic development, poverty and unemployemnt as issues.
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