The "best health care at the lowest possible cost" should be: inclusive, make health-care providers accountable for cost and quality, achieve a reduction in disease burden, and eliminate catastrophic health expenditures for the consumer. All of this is not happening overnight simply because an audacious, nation- wide health-care programme is on the anvil. It could come about, however, if accompanied by the nuts and bolts of good governance that will support solutions and systems to achieve these objectives.
In the matter of inclusion, over 15 years ago, the Vajpayee government commissioned the Institute of Health Systems (IHS), Hyderabad to develop a 'family welfare linked health insurance policy'. In 2003, the Director of the IHS Hyderabad delivered a broad-based Family Health Protection Plan (FHPP), open to all individuals. (A) The fact is that any discourse on universal health care in India gets stymied by the sheer size and ambivalence of the numbers involved. This 2003 solution of the Vajpayee-era recommended, inter alia, that good governance lies in aligning the income lines for health and housing. in other words, de-link entitlement to health care from the poverty line. In that event, the income lines for housing (updated from time to time), could be simultaneously applicable for health entitlement. The government could then proceed, as per capacity, to scale the health premium subsidy in line with housing categories - economically weaker sections (entitled to 75-90%), lower income (entitled to 50%), and middle income groups (entitled to 20%)
The NHPM is pushing for hospitalisation at secondary- and tertiary-level private hospitals, while disregardii,ig the need for eligible households to first access primary care, prior to becoming 'a case for acute care'. (8) We are in danger of placing the cart before the horse. Without the stepping stone of primary health care, direct hospitalisation is a high-cost solution. Public sector health capacities are constrained at all levels. Forward movement is feasible only through partnerships and coalitions with private sector providers. These partnerships are credible only if made accountable. The National Health Policy 2017 proposed "strategic purchasing" of services from secondary and tertiary hospitals for a fee. Clearly, we need to contract-in services of those health-care providers (public and private) who
are assessed as competent to provide all care for all the medical conditions specified, who wil! accept and abide by standard· treatment protocols and gu1delmes notified, as this will rule out potential for induced care/unnecessary treatment, and who will accept the AB-NHPM financial compensation package (with fixed fees per episode, and not per visit). The credo for participating private providers should be "mission not margin". Health-care providers (public/private) should~ accredited without any upper limit on the number of service providers in a given district. The annual premium for each beneficiary would be paid to those service providers, for up to one year only (renewable), as selected by beneficiaries. The resultant competition would enhance quality and keep costs in check. Upgrading district hospitals to government medical · colleges and teaching hospitals will enhance capacities at the district level. Service providers will become accountable for cost and quality if they are bound to the nuts and bolts of good governance outlined above.
In the passage above, a line is given in Bold as (B) We are in danger of placing the cart before the horse. What does the author mean by this statement?
We are not dealing with the situation with proper arrangements and planning
We are placing higher-level care before·the primary care
We are disregarding mental health in front of physical health.
Both (b) and (c)
The correct Answer is:B
In paragraph 3, it can be inferred that we are disregarding the first access to primary care and pushing for hospitalisation at secondary and tertiary level. Hence, the meaning of the statement here is 'We are placing higher-level care before the primary care'.
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