Was the Hoax a Hoax?
For an hour on the evening of October 30, 1938, Orson Welles and other performers from the Mercury Theatre flooded the airwaves with alarming “news bulletins” about a Martian invasion supposedly occurring in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey. They were performing a radio play adapted from The War of the Worlds, a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. The next day, a front-page 34 , “Radio Listeners in Panic, Taking War Drama as Fact.” 35 . This version of events persisted, and the legend became that Welles’s broadcast had as many as twelve million people 36 that Martians had invaded Earth.
Recently, however, scholars have questioned the accuracy of this legend, suggesting the degree of public hysteria has been grossly exaggerated. The authors of an article published in October 2013 go 37 to assign blame for the distortion to the newspaper industry 38 , Jefferson Pooley and Michael Socolow, both professors of communication studies, argue that the newspaper industry sought to discredit the newly emerging technology of radio, which was cutting into newspapers’ 39 the new medium as irresponsible
[1] Proof of ulterior motives is scarce,
40 [2] For instance, the C. E. Hooper ratings indicate that a mere 2 percent of households had tuned in to the broadcast. [3] Pooley and Socolow also call into question the validity of an oft-cited report that was based on a survey conducted six weeks after the broadcast. [4] Just because some people found the broadcast unsettling, the authors contend, doesn’t mean they believed it and reacted with real terror. [5] According to this report, one million people indicated that they had been “frightened” by the broadcast. [6] Ratings, however, reveal that 41 a million people had been listening to the broadcast. [7] Furthermore, Pooley and Socolow note that this survey conflated being ‘frightened,’ ‘disturbed,’ or ‘excited’ by the program with being ‘panicked.’” 42
Pooley and Socolow describe a more likely scenario: most people who heard the broadcast understood they were listening to a piece of fiction, but 43 influenced by the sensationalized news coverage afterward, later “remembered” being more afraid than they had been. The researchers also suggest that, 44 people who got caught up in the excitement of the story when reading about it in the newspaper, the American public may have been willing to embrace the legend because of its appeal to the imagination.
The writer wants to add a supporting detail to indicate that the story was widely reported. Which choice best accomplishes this goal?
Other newspapers also ran stories claiming that the broadcast had incited mass hysteria.
In 2013, many newspapers and magazines featured articles about the seventy‑fifth anniversary of the broadcast
The Times was then and is now one of the United States’ most popular news sources
The correct Answer is:B
This choice clearly says that “other newspapers also ran stories claiming that the broadcast had incited mass hysteria,” which suggests that the story was widely reported.
Choice A is incorrect because it identifies only one news source. Choices C and D are incorrect because they are not relevant to the paragraph.
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