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This passage is adapted from Daniel Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses. ©2012 by Daniel Chamovitz.
The Venus flytrap [Dionaea muscipula] needs to know when an ideal meal is crawling across its leaves. Closing its trap requires a huge expense of energy, and reopening the trap can take several hours, so Dionaea only wants to spring closed when it’s sure that the dawdling insect visiting its surface is large enough to be worth its time. The large black hairs on their lobes allow the Venus flytraps to literally feel their prey, and they act as triggers that spring the trap closed when the proper prey makes its way across the trap. If the insect touches just one hair, the trap will not spring shut, but a large enough bug will likely touch two hairs within about twenty seconds, and that signal springs the Venus flytrap into action.
We can look at this system as analogous to short-term memory. First, the flytrap encodes the information (forms the memory) that something (it doesn’t know what) has touched one of its hairs. Then it stores this information for a number of seconds (retains the memory) and finally retrieves this information (recalls the memory) once a second hair is touched. If a small ant takes a while to get from one hair to the next, the trap will have forgotten the first touch by the time the ant brushes up against the next hair. In other words, it loses the storage of the information, doesn’t close, and the ant happily meanders on. How does the plant encode and store the information from the unassuming bug’s encounter with the first hair? How does it remember the first touch in order to react upon the second?
Scientists have been puzzled by these questions ever since John Burdon-Sanderson’s early report on the physiology of the Venus flytrap in 1882. A century later, Dieter Hodick and Andreas Sievers at the University of Bonn in Germany proposed that the flytrap stored information regarding how many hairs have been touched in the electric charge of its leaf. Their model is quite elegant in its simplicity. In their studies, they discovered that touching a trigger hair on the Venus flytrap causes an electric action potential [a temporary reversal in the electrical polarity of a cell membrane] that induces calcium channels to open in the trap (this coupling of action potentials and the opening of calcium channels is similar to the processes that occur during communication between human neurons), thus causing a rapid increase in the concentration of calcium ions.
They proposed that the trap requires a relatively high concentration of calcium in order to close and that a single action potential from just one trigger hair being touched does not reach this level. Therefore, a second hair needs to be stimulated to push the calcium concentration over this threshold and spring the trap. The encoding of the information requires maintaining a high enough level of calcium so that a second increase (triggered by touching the second hair) pushes the total concentration of calcium over the threshold. As the calcium ion concentrations dissipate over time, if the second touch and potential don’t happen quickly, the final concentration after the second trigger won’t be high enough to close the trap, and the memory is lost.
Subsequent research supports this model. Alexander Volkov and his colleagues at Oakwood University in Alabama first demonstrated that it is indeed electricity that causes the Venus flytrap to close. To test the model they rigged up very fine electrodes and applied an electrical current to the open lobes of the trap. This made the trap close without any direct touch to its trigger hairs (while they didn’t measure calcium levels, the current likely led to increases). When they modified this experiment by altering the amount of electrical current, Volkov could determine the exact electrical charge needed for the trap to close. As long as fourteen microcoulombs—a tiny bit more than the static electricity generated by rubbing two balloons together—flowed between the two electrodes, the trap closed. This could come as one large burst or as a series of smaller charges within twenty seconds. If it took longer than twenty seconds to accumulate the total charge, the trap would remain open.
Based on the passage, in studying the Venus flytrap, Volkov and his colleagues made the most extensive use of which type of evidence?


Mathematical models to predict the electrical charge required to close the Venus flytrap


Analysis of data collected from previous researchers’ work involving the Venus flytrap’s response to electricity


Information obtained from monitoring the Venus flytrap’s response to varying amounts of electrical current


Published theories of scientists who developed earlier models of the Venus flytrap

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The correct Answer is:C

The second sentence of the last paragraph says that the focus of Volkov’s work was the role of electricity in the Venus flytrap’s closing mechanism. The paragraph goes on to explain that by applying electricity directly to the plant and “altering the amount of electrical current, Volkov could determine the exact electrical charge needed for the trap to close.” It is therefore accurate to say that Volkov and his colleagues made the most extensive use of information obtained from measuring the plant’s response to varying amounts of electrical current.
Choice A is incorrect because although the last paragraph explains that Volkov’s work was based on Hodick and Sievers’s mathematical model in which an electrical charge is required to close the Venus flytrap, that model isn’t described as predicting the precise amount of charge required, moreover, although Volkov made use of this earlier model, it served as a starting point, and his work made greater use of the findings generated by his experiment. Choice B is incorrect because the passage doesn’t describe Volkov’s work as having involved analysis of data from earlier studies on the plant’s response to electricity. Choice D is incorrect because although the last paragraph explains that Volkov based his work on Hodick and Sievers’s earlier model, this was the sole model that Volkov relied on, and there is no suggestion that he made use of multiple “published theories” or “earlier models”, moreover, he made more extensive use of data generated by his own experiment than of Hodick and Sievers’s model.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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