Designed by Dumbledore himself, this round was supposed to be the most adventurous. The objective of the event was to infiltrate a secure location( code named VIENNA) in Hogwarts and to secure your best friend who has been trapped there. You have to exit the location through the tunnel networks whose blueprint is given below.
As seen in the picture there are 5 tracks ( Green, Brown, Red, Violet, Yellow). The time taken to travel between 2 junctions along the respective lines is given below. Green – 5 mins, Brown – 4 mins, Violet – 3 mins, Yellow – 2mins, Red- 1 min. Harry will start from the left end of the green track and his aim is to reach the right end of the Red/Violet/Yellow Track as quickly as possible
Red: .................... Brown: ......................... Yellow: ____________________
Violet_____________ Green: ____________
But each track has 2 guards starting from each end of the track except for green track ( has only one guard starting from the right end). The guards take two minutes to travel between any two junctions( intersecting points between tracks are junctions not the bending points) and wait for 30 seconds at each junction. Guards will change their direc- tion once they reach the end of their track. The guard and the player should not move across each other at any instant of time. The player cannot reuse the paths between junctions i.e each path cannot be used more than once. Note that if you enter a junction at time x and the guard leaves that junction at the same time then you are not caught. What is the time taken by Harry if he reaches as soon as possible ?
Text Solution
Mone1: 1i→a Time elapsed - 5 mins
Time taken - 5 mins
Guards will be learning : 1: (d) 2: (b,b) 3, (I,h)
4: (h,g) 5: (d,d)
Mone 2: a→j Time elapsed = 10 mins
Now, all come their junctions. The agent doesn't get caught (at j) as the guard lenes as he enters the junctions.
Guards will be learning: 1:(g) 2: (2f,2i) 3: (g,b)
4:(e,J) 5: (5f, 5i)
Mone 3: j→h 2 mins ← time taken
h→f Time elapsed : 12 mines
Now, 2 does not mater anyone (self-explantry) As only 2 more mins have elapsed the guards will be starying at the following stops (for 30 more seconds)
1: (J) 3: (3f, 3i) 4: (4f, 4i) 5: (e,i)
Mone 4:f→e 1 min ← time taken Time elapsed : 13 min
Now the guards are in motion as follows-
At this point, the game becomes very close. one final monu : e→5f⇒ and game ones (3 mines)
Total times taken : 16 mins
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