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Passage 1
Follow the money and you will end up in space.
That’s the message from a first-of-its-kind forum on
mining beyond Earth.
Convened in Sydney by the Australian Centre for
5 Space Engineering Research, the event brought
together mining companies, robotics e5 xperts, lunar
scientists, and government agencies that are all
working to make space mining a reality.
he forum comes hot on the heels of the
10 2012 unveiling of two private asteroid-mining firms.
Planetary Resources of Washington says it will
launch its first prospecting telescopes in two years,
while Deep Space Industries of Virginia hopes to be
harvesting metals from asteroids by 2020. Another
15 commercial venture that sprung up in 2012,
Golden Spike of Colorado, will be offering trips to
the moon, including to potential lunar miners.
Within a few decades, these firms may be
meeting earthly demands for precious metals, such as
20 platinum and gold, and the rare earth elements vital
for personal electronics, such as yttrium and
lanthanum. But like the gold rush pioneers who
transformed the western United States, the first space
miners won’t just enrich themselves. They also hope
25 to build an off-planet economy free of any bonds
with Earth, in which the materials extracted and
processed from the moon and asteroids are delivered
for space-based projects.
In this scenario, water mined from other
30 worlds could become the most desired commodity.
“In the desert, what’s worth more: a kilogram of gold
or a kilogram of water?” asks Kris Zacny of
HoneyBee Robotics in New York. “Gold is useless
.Water will let you live.”
35 Water ice from the moon’s poles could be sent to
astronauts on the International Space Station for
drinking or as a radiation shield. Splitting water into
oxygen and hydrogen makes spacecraft fuel, so
ice-rich asteroids could become interplanetary
40 refuelling stations.
Companies are eyeing the iron, silicon, and
aluminium in lunar soil and asteroids, which could
be used in 3D printers to make spare parts or
machinery. Others want to turn space dirt into
45 concrete for landing pads, shelters, nd roads.
Passage 2
The motivation for deep-space travel is shifting
from discovery to economics. The past year has seen
a flurry of proposals aimed at bringing celestial riches
down to Earth. No doubt this will make a few
50 billionaires even wealthier, but we all stand to gain:
the mineral bounty and spin-off technologies could
enrich us all.
But before the miners start firing up their rockets,
we should pause for thought. At first glance, space
55 mining seems to sidestep most environmental
concerns: there is (probably!) no life on asteroids,
and thus no habitats to trash. But its consequences
—both here on Earth and in space—merit careful
60 Part of this is about principles. Some will argue
that space’s “magnificent desolation” is not ours to
despoil, just as they argue that our own planet’s poles
should remain pristine. Others will suggest that
glutting ourselves on space’s riches is not an
65 acceptable alternative to developing more sustainable
ways of earthly life.
History suggests that those will be hard lines to
hold, and it may be difficult to persuade the public
that such barren environments are worth preserving.
70 After all, they exist in vast abundance, and even
fewer people will experience them than have walked
through Antarctica’s icy landscapes.
There’s also the emerging off-world economy to
consider. The resources that are valuable in orbit and
75 beyond may be very different to those we prize on
Earth. Questions of their stewardship have barely
been broached—and the relevant legal and regulatory
framework is fragmentary, to put it mildly.
Space miners, like their earthly counterparts, are
80 often reluctant to engage with such questions.
One speaker at last week’s space-mining forum in
Sydney, Australia, concluded with a plea that
regulation should be avoided. But miners have much
to gain from a broad agreement on the for-profit
85 exploitation of space. Without consensus, claims will
be disputed, investments risky, and the gains made
insecure. It is in all of our long-term interests to seek
one out
44. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?


Lines 18-22 (“Within . . . lanthanum”)


Lines 24-28 (“They . . . projects”)


Lines 29-30 (“In this . . . commodity”)


Lines 41-44 (“Companies . . . machinery”)

Text Solution
Verified by Experts

The correct Answer is:A

Lines 18-22 suggest that space mining may help meet “earthly demands for precious metals . . . and the rare earth elements vital for personal electronics.” In this statement, the author is stating materials (“metals,” “earth elements”) that may be gathered as a result of space mining, and that these materials may be important to Earth’s economy.
Choices B, C, and D do not provide the best evidence for the answer to the previous question. Choice B is incorrect because lines 24-28 focus on an “off-planet economy” but never address positive effects of space mining.
Choice C is incorrect because lines 29-30 suggest the relative value of water found in space. Choice D is incorrect because lines 41-44 state that space mining companies hope to find specific resources in lunar soil and asteroids but do not address how these resources are important to Earth’s economy.

Updated on:21/07/2023

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