The Consolations of Philosophy
Long viewed by many as the stereotypical useless major, philosophy is now being seen by many students and prospective employers as in fact a very useful and practical major, offering students a host of transferable skills with relevance to the modern workplace. (34) In broad terms––––––––––––––––, philosophy is the study of meaning and the values underlying thought and behavior. But (35) (more pragmatically),thediscipl∈eencoura≥sstudents→analyzecomp≤xmaterial,questionconventionalbeliefs,andexpressthoughts∈aconcisema∩er.<br>Becauseϕlosophy(36)ul("teaching")students¬wˆ−−→th∈kbuthow→th∈k,thea≥−olddiscipl∈eoffersonsistentlyusef−−→––––olsforacademicandprofessionalaχevement.(37)A1994surveyconcludedtˆonly18percentofAmericancol≤≥srequiredat≤∗o≠ϕlosophycourse.(38)ul("herefore"),between1992and1996,morethan400∈dependentϕlosophydepartmentswereelim∈atedom∈stitutions.<br>Morerecently,col≤≥shaverecognizedthepracticalityand∈creasingpopa––rityofstudy∈gϕlosophyandhavemarkedly∈creasedtheνmberofϕlosophyprogramsoffered.By2008therewere817programs,upom765adecadebefore.Inaddition,theνmberoffour−year∇uates∈ϕlosophyhasgrown46percent∈adecade.Also,studieshavefoundtˆthosestudentswhomajor∈ϕlosophyoftendobeerthanstudentsomothermajors∈⊥hverbalreason∈gandanalytical(39)ul("writing. These results can be")measuredbystandardizedtestscores.OntheGraduateRecordExamination(GRE),forexamp≤,students∫end∈g→studyϕlosophy∈∇uatesch∞l(40)ul("has scored")higherthanstudents∈allbutfourothermajors.<br>Thesedays,many(41)ul("student’s majoring")∈ϕlosophyhaveno∫entionofbecomingϕlosophers,∈steadtheyplan→applythoseskills→otherdiscipl∈es.Lawandbusinessspecificallybe≠fitomthecomplicatedtheoreticalissuesraised∈thestudyofϕlosophy,butϕlosophycanbejustasusef∈––––eng∈eer∈goranyfieldrequir∈gcomp≤xanalyticskills.(42)Tˆtheseskillsaretranerab≤acrossprofessions(43)ul("which")makesthemespeciallybe≠ficial→twenty−first−centurystudents.Because→day’sstudentscanexpect→holdμ<ip≤jobs—someofwhichmay¬eveneξstyet—dur∈g(44)ul("our") lifetime, studying philosophy allows them to be flexible and adaptable. High demand, advanced exam scores, and varied professional skills all argue for maintaining and enhancing philosophy courses and majors within academic institutions.
39. Which choice most effectively combines the sentences at the underlined portion?
writing as
writing, and these results can be
writing, which can also be
writing when the results are
The correct Answer is:A
because it succinctly expresses the idea that “students who major in philosophy often do better . . . as measured by standardized test scores.”
Choices B and D are incorrect because they introduce a redundancy and a vague term, “results.” The first part of the sentence mentions a research finding or conclusion but does not directly address any “results,” so it is confusing to refer to “these results” and indicate that they “can be” or “are measured by standardized test scores.” The best way to express the idea is simply to say that some students “often do better” than some other students “in both verbal reasoning and analytical writing as measured by standardized test scores.” Choice C is incorrect because there is no indication that multiple criteria are used to evaluate students’ “verbal reasoning and analytical writing”: test scores and something else. Only test scores are mentioned.
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