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Deduce and expression for Magnetic dipole moment of revolving electron around the nucleus in a circular orbit. Solution in Tamil

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Suppose an electron undergoes circular motion around the nuleus as shown in Figure. The circulating electron in a loop is like current in a circular loop ( since flow of charge is known as current). The magnetic dipole moment due to current carrying circular loop is
μL=IA ......(1)
In magnitude ,
If T is the time period of an electron , the current due to circular motion of the electron is
I=eT .....(2)
where - e is the charge of an electron . If R is the radius of the circular orbit and v is the velocity of the electron in the circular orbit , then
T=2πRv ......(3)
Using equation (2) and equation (3) in equation (1), we get
μL=e2πRvπR2=evR2 .....(4)
where A=πR2 is the area of the circular loop. By definition, angular momentum of the electron about O is
In magnitude,
L=Rp=mvR ......(5)
Using equation (4) and equation (5) , we get ,
μLL=evR2mvR=e2mμL=e2mL ......(6)
The negative sign indicates that the magnetic moment and angular momentum are in opposite direction.
The ratio μLL is a constant and also known as gyro - magnetic ratio (e2m) . It must be noted that the gyro- magnetic ratio is a constant of proportionality which connects angular momentum of the electron and the magnetic moment of the electron.
