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Explain the Motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.Solution in Tamil

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Consider a charged particle of charge q having mass m enters into a region of uniform magnetic field B with velocity v such that velocity is perpendicular to the magnetic field . As soon as the particle enters into the field , Lorentz force acts on it in a direction perpendicular to both magnetic field B and velocity v.
B in
As a result, the charged particle moves in a circular orbit as shown in Figure .
The Lorentz force on the charged particle is given by
Since Lorentz force alone acts on the particle , the magnitude of the net force on the particle is
This Lorentz force acts as centripetal force for the particle to execute cirtular motion. Therefore,
The radius of the circular path is
r=mvqB=pqB .......(1)
where p=mv is the magnitude of the linear momentum of the particle. Let T be the time taken by the particle to finish one complete circular motion then
T=2πrv ......(2)
Hence substituting (1) in (2) , we get
T=2πmqB .....(3)
Equation (3) is called the cyclotron period .
The reciprocal of time period is the frequency f, which is
f=qB2πm ......(4)
In terms of angular frequency ω,
ω=2πf=qmB ......(5)
Equation (4) and equation (5) are called as cyclotron frequency or gyrofrequency .
From equations, we infer that time period and frequency depend only on charge - to - mass ratio ( specific charge ) but not velocity or the radius of the circular path .
