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The transltation unit is


TATA box to start point


TATA box to stop codon


Start box to stop codon


35 sequence to start point

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The correct Answer is:b

b) The transcription unit is that stretch or sequence of DNA that is transcribed into a single RNA molecule. A typical transcription unit has a promoter, a start a coding region and a terminator sequence at the end.
1) Start point is the site within a promoter from which transcription begins.
2. - 10 sequence is 10 bP upstream of the start point has consensus sequences TATAAT. This is commonly known as Pribnow box.
3) 35 sequences is on 35 bP upstream of the start point. It has consenus sequence TTGACA.
4) The distance between-10 to -35 sequences is 16-18 and seems to be critical for proper orientation of RNA polymerase during transcription initation.
