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Elucidate the structure of benzene in detail.

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1. Molecular formula :
Elemental analysis and molecular weight determination have proved that the molecular formula of benzene is (C6H6. This indicates that benzene is a highly unsaturated compound.
2. Straight chain structure not possible :
Benzene could be contructed as a straight chain or ring compound but it not feasible since it does not show the properties of alkenes or alkynes. for example, it did not declourise bromine in carbon etrachloride or acidied KMnO4. It did not react with water in the presence of acid.
3. Evidence of cyclic structure:
I) Substitution of benzene :
Benzene reacts with bromine in the presence of AlCl3 to form mono bromobenzene.
Formation of only one monobromo compound indicates that all the six hydrogen atoms in benzene were identical. This is possible only if it has a cyclic structure of six carbons each containing one hydrogen.
ii) Addition of hydrogen :
Benzene can add on to three moles of hydrogen in the presence of nickel catalyst to give cyclohexane.
This confirms cyclic structure of benzene and the presence of three carbon-carbon double bond.
4. Kekule's structure of benzene :
In 1865, August Kekule suggested that benzene consists of a cyclic planar structure of six carbon with alternate single and double bonds.
(i) Benzene forms only one orthodisubtituted products whereas the Kekule's structure predicts two o-di substituted products as shown below.
(ii) Kekule's structure failed to explain why benzene with three double bonds did not give addition reactions like other alkenes. To overcome this objection, Kekule suggested that benzene was mixture of two forms (1 and 2) which are in rapid equilibrium.
5. Resonance description of benzene :
The phenomenon in which two or more structures can be written for a substance which has identical position of atoms is called resonance. The actual structure of the molecule is said to be resonance hybrid of various possible alternative structures. In benzene, Kekule's structures I & II represented the resonance structure, and structure III is the resonance hybrid of structure I & II
The structures 1 and 2 exist only in theory. The actual structure of benzene is the hybrid of two hypothetical resonance structures.
6. Spectrossopic measurments :
Spectroscopic measurements show that benzene is planar and all of its carbon-carbon bonds are of equal length 1.40A. This value lies between carbon-carbon single bond length 1.54A and carbon-carbon double bond length 1.34A.
7. Molecular orbital structure :
The structure of benzene is best described in terms of the molecular orbital theory. All the six carbond atoms of benzene are sp2 hybridized. Six sp2 hybrid orbitals of carbon linearly overlap with six one is orbitals of hydrogen atoms to form six CH sigma bonds. Overlap between the remaining sp2 hybrid orbitals of carbon forms six CC sigma bonds.
All the bonds in benzene lie in one plane with bond angle 120. Each carbond atom in benzene possess an un hybridized p-orbital containing one electron. The lateral overlap of their p-orbital produces 3π-bond. The six electrons of the p-orbitals cover all the six carbon atoms and are said to be delocalised. Due to delocalization , strong -bond is formed which makes the molecule stable. Hence unlike alkenes and alkynes benzene undergoes substitution reactions rather addition reactions under normal conditions
8. Representation of benzene :
Hence, there are three ways in which benzene can be represented.
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Benzene and its homologeous series
Benzene and its homologous series are colorless liquids with pleasant odour. They are lighter than water and insoluble in it. Their vapours are highly flammable, and volatile and toxic in nature.
