What is environmental pollution ? How is it caused ?Solution in Tamil

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(a) Environmental Pollution :
(i) Any undesirable change in our environment that has harmful effects on plants , animals and human beings is called environmental pollution.
(ii) Environmental pollution is usually caused by the addition of waste products of human activity to the environment. The substances which cause pollution of environment are called pollutants. The pollutants may be solids,liquids or gaseous substances present in significant concentration in the environment. Our environment becomes polluted day by day, by the increased addition of industrial and domestic wastes to it. The air we breathe,the water wedrink and the place where we live in, are highly contaminated.
(iii) The pollutants are classified as bio-degradable andnon-biodegradable pollutants.
(b) Bio-degradable pollutants :
(i ) The pollutants which can be easily decomposed by the natural biological processes are called bio-degradable pollutants.
(ii) Examples : plant wastes, animal wastes etc.
( c ) Non bio-degradable pollutants :
(i) The pollutants which can not be decomposed by the natural biological processes are called Non bio-degradable pollutants.
(ii) Examples : metal wastes (mainly Hg and Pb ) , DDT, plastics, nuclear wastes etc., These pollutants are harmful to living organisms even in low concentrations. As they are not degraded naturally, it is difficult to eliminate them from our environment.
