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Obtian the equation for lateral displacement of light passing through a glass slab. Solution in Tamil

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(i) Consider a glass slab of thickness t and refractive index n is kept in air medium. (ii) The path of the light is ABCD and the refractions occur at two points B and C in the glass slab. (iii) The angles of incidence i and refraction r are measured with respect to the normal N1 and N2 at the two points B and C respectively. (iv) The lateral displacement L is the perpendicular distance CE drawn between the path of light and the undeviated path of light at point C.
In the right angle triangle BCE,
sin(ir)=LBC,BC=Lsin(ir) ...(1)
In the right angle triangle BCF,
cos(r)=tBC,BC=tcos(r) ...(2)
Equating equation (1) and (2),
L=t(sin(ir)cos(r)) ....(3)
(v) Lateral displacement depends upon the thickness of the slab. Thicker the slab, greater will be the lateral displacement. Greater the angle of incident, larger will be the lateral displacement.
