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A proton and an electron have same de Broglie wavelength. Which of them moves faster and which possesses more kinetic energy ? Justify your answer. Solution in Tamil

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Let the subscripts 1 and 2 be used for proton and electron respectively.
E1=12m1v21 or m1v21=2E1
or m21v21=2E1m1 or m1v1=2E1m1
Now, λ=hm1v1=h2E1m1 or
E2=12m2v22 or m2v22=2E2 or m22v22=2E2m2
or m2v2=2E2m2,λ=hm2v2=h2E2m2
or E2=h22m2λ2,Dividing,E1E2=m2m1
So, electron has more K.E. than the proton
Now, E1E2=12m1v2112m2v22=m1v21m2v22 or
But E1m2<E2m1v1<v2 or v2>v1
So , electron has greater velocity than the proton
