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What do you known about GPS? Write a few applications of GPS.

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(i) GPS stands for Global Positioning system. It is a global navigation satellite system that offers geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the Earth.
(ii) GPS system works tha ssistance of a satellite network.
(iii) Each of these satellites broadcasts a precise signal and these signals convey the location data are received by a low-cost aerial which is then translated by the GPS software.
(iv) The software is able to recognize the satellite, its location, and the time taken by the signals to travel from each satellite.
(iv) The software then process the data it accept from each satellite to estimate the location of the reciver.
Application :
Global positioning system is highly useful many fields such a fleet vehicle management (for tracking cars, trucks and buses), wildlife managements (for counting of wild animals) and engineering (for making tunnels, bridges etc).
