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List the chemical changes that starch molecule undergoes from the time it reaches the small intestine. Solution in Tamil

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1. When the food reaches the first part of the small intestine i.e. the duodenum , pancreatic juices and bile juice act on it .
2. Enzymes for starch digestion are present in the pancreatic juice. Pancreatic amylase converts glycogen and starch into maltose.
2. Enzymes for starch digestion are present in the pancreatic juice. Pancreatic amylase converts glycongen and starch into maltose .
The enzymes in the intestinal juice (succus entericus ) act further on the products of pancreatic digeston .
Maltase, Lactase , Sucrase act on the sugars .
Maltose Ma<ose−−− Glucose + Glucose
Sucroseoverset(Sucrase) toGlucose+Frucse<br>Lacseoverset(Lactase) to Glucose+Galacse<br>4.Asarestofdistion,allmacromocesoffdareconvertedotheircorrespondgmonomericunits.<br>Carbohydratesto Monosaccharides (Glucose , Fructose , Galactose )
The simple substances thus formed are absorbed in the jejunum and ileum region of the small intestine.
