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Describe the structures of olfactory receptors. Solution in Tamil

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1. The receptors for taste and smell are than chemorecptors.
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2. The smell receptors are excited by air bone chemicals that dissovles in fluids.
3. the yellow coloured patches of offactory epithelium form the olfactory organs taht an located on the roof of the nasal cavity.
4. The olfactory epithelium is covered by a third coat of musus layer below and olfactory gland bounded connective tissure, above. It contains three types of cells , Supporting cells, bassal ell three types of cells SUpporing cell, Basal cell and Millions of pin shaped olfactory receipt cells (WHich are unusual bipolar cells).
5. The impulse, through the olfactory nerves transmitted to the frontal lobe of the brain identification of smell and the limbic system the emotinal responses to odour.
