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Explain cytochrome pump theory ? Solution in Tamil

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Lundegardh 's cytochrome pump theory :
Lundegardh and Burstrom (1993) observed a correlation between respiration and anion absorption. When a plant is transferred from water water to a salt solution the rate of respiration Lundegardh (1950, 1954 ) proposed cytochrome pump theory which is based on the following assumptions :
1. The mechanism of anion and cation absorption is different .
2. Anions are absorbed through cytochrome chain by an active process. Cations are absorbed passively .
3. An oxygen gradient reponsible for oxidation at the outer surface of the membrane and reduction at the inner surface.
According to this theory , the enzyme dehydrogenase on the inner surface is responsible for the formation of protons (H+ ) and electrons ( e) . As the electrons pass outward through the electron tranport chain there is a corresponding inward passage of anions. The anions are picked up by oxidase and are transferred to the other members of the chain as they transfer the electron to the next component
The theory assumes that the cations (C+) move passively along the electrical gradient created by the accumulation of the anions (A-) at the inner surface of the membrane. Main defects of the above theory are :
1. Cations also induce respiration.
2. This theory fails to explain the selective uptake of ions. It explains absorption of anions only.
