Why is that in certain plants deficiency symptoms appear first in parts of the plants while in others, they do so in mature organs? Solution in Tamil

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When deficiency symptoms appear first, we can notice the diffferences in old and younger leaves. It is mainly due to mobility of minerals . Besesd on this, they are classifiedinto minerals . Besed on this , they are classified into 1. Actively mobile mineals and 2. Relatively immobile minerals
(a) Actively mobile minerals : Nitrogen , phosphorus , potassium magnesium,chlorine,sodium,zinc and molybdenum. Deficiency sympotoms first appear on old and senesenescent leaves due to active movement of minerals to younger leaves.
Relatively immoblie minerals: Calcium ,sulphur, Iron, bron and copper, here, deficiency symptoms first appear on young leaves due to the ommobile nature of minerals .
