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Describe the structure of nephron with a neatly labelled diagram.

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Nephrons are highly coiled microscoping tublules. They are the structural the functional kidney. Each nephron has two distinct regions viz.
1. Bowman's capsule.
2. Tubule.
1. Bowman's Capsule: It is spherical and double walled cup shaped sac like structure, found in the cortex region of the kidney. It possesses a lumen which is lined by a thin walled squamous epitelium. The capsular lumen is continous with tubular lumen. The capsule infolds anteriorly to receive affeent and efferent arterioles. Afferent arteriole gives off fine branches and rorms a tuft of capillaries inside teh Bowman's capsule which is called Glomerulus, Bowman's capsule with glomerulus is called Malphigian body or malphigian corpuscle.
2. Tubule: Tubule of a Nephron shows'three distinct regions. They are:
a. Proximal Convoluted Tubule (PCT).
b. Henle's Loop.
c. Distal Convoluted Tubule (DCT).
a. Proximal Convoluted Tubule : The proximal convoluted tubule is a coiled tubelying next to copsular. It is lined inside by cuboidal epithelium having microvilli. These microvilli form a brush border within a the lumen of PCT.
b. Henel's Loop: The henel's Loop is 'U' shaped fine tube with descending and ascending lumbs. The lumen of the Henle's loop is lined by flattened epithelium, Henle's loop is found the in the medulla region of the kidney.
c. Distal Convoluted Tubule: The structure of distal convoluted tubule resembles with that of PCT, it is a also lined by cuboidal epithelium. However the cuboidal epithelium of the DCT shows indistinct brush border. the DCT opens into a collecting tubule which receives a number of nephrons.
The efferent arteriole divides into a number of capillaries. These capillaries form a network all oer the three regions of tubule and this network is called peritubular network.
