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Explain the following terms with suitable example:
a. Schottky defect b. Frenkel defect
c. Interstitials d. F-centres

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(i) Schottk defect: In schottky defect a pair of vacancies or holes exist in the crystal lattice due to the absence of equal nunber of cations and anions from their lattice points. It is a common defect in ionic compounds of high coordination number whre both cations and anions are of the saem size e.g, KCl, NaCl, KBr, etc. due to this defect density of crystal decreases and it begins to conduct electricity to a smalller extent.
(ii) Frenkel defect: This defect arises when some of the ions in the lattice occupy intersitial leaving lattice sties vacant. this defect is generally found in ionic crystals where anion is much larger in size than the cation e.g., AgBr,ZnS etc Due to this defect density does not chagne, electrical conductivity increases to a small extent and there is no chagne in overal chemical compositon of the crystal
(iii) Interstitial defect: When some constituent particles (atoms or molecuels) occupy an interstitial stite of the crystal, it is said to have intersitial defect. due to this defect the density of the substance increases.
(iv) F-Centres: These are the anionic sites occupied by unpiared electrons. F-Centes impart colour to crystals. the colour resutls by the excitiation of electrons when they absorb energy from the visible light falling on the crystal.
