An aqueous solution of acetone contain 29% acetone by weight Mole percentage of acetone in this solution is
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Step by step video & image solution for An aqueous solution of acetone contain 29% acetone by weight Mole percentage of acetone in this solution is by Chemistry experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 12 exams.
Updated on:21/07/2023Similar Questions
Knowledge Check
A solution of acetone in ethnol
Aobeys Raoult's lawBshows a negative deviation from Raoult's lawCshows a positive deviation from Raoult's lawDbehaves like a near ideal solutionThe enolic form of acetone contains
Anine σ -bonds, one π -bond and two lone pairsBeight σ-bonds, two π -bonds and two lone pairsCnine σ -bonds, one π -bond and one lone pairsDnine σ -bonds, two π -bond and one lone pairsThe enolic form of acetone contains
A9 sigma bonds, 1 pi bond and 2 lone pairsB8 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds and 2 lone pairsC10 sigma bonds, 1 pi bond and 1 lone pairD9 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds and 1 lone pair