Express the following as decimals: 92 3,00010,000
To express the fractions 92 and 300010000 as decimals, we will follow these steps:
Step 1: Convert 92 to Decimal
To convert the fraction 92 to a decimal, we perform the division of 9 by 2.
Step 2: Convert 300010000 to Decimal
Next, we convert 300010000 to a decimal. We can simplify this fraction first.
Now, we can convert 310 to a decimal.
Final Answers
Thus, the decimal representations are:
- 92=4.5
- 300010000=0.3
To convert the fraction 92 to a decimal, we perform the division of 9 by 2.
Next, we convert 300010000 to a decimal. We can simplify this fraction first.
Thus, the decimal representations are:
- 92=4.5
- 300010000=0.3
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